By Peter Gilmour, as seen in the RP, "The OMEGA.. and the GOD"

"So to all of you great fans out there, please come see the show. Make this show the best show ever in the NEW XWF. We need your support. I need all my great fans support as well. All my Gilmourholics! I need to chant SUCK MY DICK as loud as you can. Show some love to Valerie Sky as well. Just don't touch her or I'll break your arms off. But come out to support the REAL XWF and show the fake ass XWF why the ain't got a chance in hell of beating us."

"Isabella.. Prodigy.. your sorry asses are going to be taken.. TO THE XTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME!"

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In the Beginning (RP 3/3)

As the bombs fell and the destruction intensified outside my window, I sat and prayed wishing that any entity or source of energy could bring my life to an end.  I knew the violence and the developing dystopia outside was never going to stop as it has existed for not only the entirety of my life, but for centuries before beyond my comprehension.  I stared and I wept, as I saw mothers with their children blasted into pieces before my very eyes.  I heard the cries of innocent men blistering loudly over the sounds of the bombs, was it the level of their intense volume in their screams or just the intensified focus of my reaction to what had just happened that raised its intensity to the forefront of my senses.  But for some reason they overpowered those senses, and are now ingrained in my mind forever.


It’s been over a decade since I could crawl out of my own little hole in the wall of what you could call an apartment without living in constant fear and tiptoeing around land mines both in reality and metaphorically speaking terms.  Here in Jerusalem, the carnage never stops and the ever living nightmare persists day after day after day and surrounds itself everywhere.  Like a wolf hunting its prey, it feeds on the souls that surround this city and lies dormant until the moment you begin to relax, then the fear will rear its ugly head and swallow your comfort level whole.  Religion is the most powerful motivating factor for this city and those that would oppose it’s righteous glow that it envelopes all around us would be seen as an outsider.  Cast out from the vestiges of normalcy by being tortured and humiliated worse than any of the witches in Salem.


I dare not proclaim my innocence or salvation that I live and prosper upon in my own private world locked in a cage away from the calamity just outside my window.  I find refuge in the opium to self medicate my own sanity away from the horrors that lay just outside my doorstep.  It can calm my nerves, but it can also put forth a persisting form of paranoia that lingers up and down the back of my spine as it tingles when the effects have worn off and my body craves for more.  With each trip I take with the drug, the cravings and fiendish consumption increases with each passing experience.  One day I know it will take me forever, and it is with that day I wait in complete and utter fascination.  


I would take my own life by means of an easier method, but a coward's way out is a shame upon my ancestors and family name.  For despite whatever religious telepathy has hypnotized my family and they have sworn themselves upon, I will never forget the loving nature of their care during the infancy of my life.  I also fear the shame it would bring upon them for all eternity in this clustered region of religious warfare.  I clutch at the collar of my white robe in an attempt to slow down my breathing as a massive pile of smoke leaves my lungs and collapses all around the small room around me.  Filled with the gray hazed infused smog of the opium that clouded most of its coverage.  


Nothing but a soiled mattress and a small mirror with a black opaque stone frame surrounding it’s exterior.  The wooden floor beneath me, barely holding itself together as the termites have torn it apart over the years.  Renovations are nothing but a lost cause as the likelihood that one of those bombs falling from the sky or planted in the street will take down the foundation of the building at a moment's notice.  


I cling to my shirt more tightly and clench my fist intermingling my fingers around the buttons and tearing them out with the flimsy strings that barely hold them together after the many days I have worn it in succession without a single change of clothes.  Any source of financial gains I come across, from begging in the streets or picking the pockets of any unsuspecting passer-byers in the streets goes directly to my opium habit.  In this I call home, the only survival for my sanity is to take my mind out of it, whether that leads me to madness or death it will finally clear my mind of the heinous memories of warfare that will forever fog them until I exhale my last opium infused breath. 


As the buttons on my shirt fall from my clenching fist, I can feel my heartbeat escaping and pounding itself out from my chest.  I now dig my fingernails deeply into my breast and cling tightly to my hands' new found sense of subversion.  Blood begins to ooze from the edge of my sharp fingertips and flow down the front of my chest down to a pool that has now begun to collect in my lap.  No matter how hard I dig my fingernails into my skin and try to slow down the beating of my heart it just will not subside.  In fact, with the perspiration dripping off my brow I become frightened for a possible collapse of a heart attack.  Paranoia from the immense heat engulfing all the air around me and my body temperature rising from my stress level intensifying.  


I can no longer help myself and my curiosity thickens in the brain fog that clouds my thoughts, and just like any drug fiend I must insist I inspect my face as the droplets of sweat become so thick and frequent that they begin to  impair my vision.  As I rise, my legs feel like putty as they crumble like a newborn learning how to work them for the first time.  I gather myself in my thoughts and focus my mind to move my legs and as much as they feel like anchors. I am able to gather myself after a short period of time, and make my way finally to the mirror.  This reflection is usually my only source of entertainment in my lonely domicile.  I can see my cold and clammy blank white stare as the pupils of my eyes shrink to the size of a speck of sand.  


My face appears to melt like an egg thrown at the side of the wall.  I stare deeply, focusing heavily on my white pale face trying to pull it back together with my fingertips, when out of the corner of my eye I see a shooting star, growing in size in the reflection in the mirror as it begins drifting closer and closer to the ground off in the horizon.  I feel a shift in the ground as if an earthquake or perhaps a stroke of lightning had crashed somewhere in my near vicinity. 


As if an even more intense version of ‘shell shock’ comes over me as if a bomb had gone off right next to me I fall to the ground and cover my head, a triggering mechanism that my mind has trained itself to react to something such as this.  A bright and glowing emancipating light fills my room from my window as a ray of light shines right into my eyes blinding myself looking over the horizon where the star must have crashed onto the earth.


When I gather myself as my sudden drug induced stupor has suddenly vanished as my testosterone and senses force themselves to focus on the estranged task at hand; therefore, I fling open my door of my single apartment room and fight my way down the hallway as the other tenants begin fleeing towards the commotion as well.  Swimming my way through the crowd, who all seem to be curious and attracted to the ray of light rather than what you would assume would be something they would all be fleeing from.  My legs now feel like feathers rather than anchors and I begin racing towards the front of the crowd incredibly anxious for some unknown reason as to why the sky was glowing as if an angel had floated its way back down to earth.  


As I come up over the horizon, this notion is one that definitely feels more relevant as down at the bottom of the hill at the old abandoned temple from a bygone era, different in its design to any building around it.  I see the glowing figure of a man emerging from a door that was once sealed tighter than any tomb in Egypt.  This temple had always existed, but had never been explored and was assumed to have existed longer than anything in the city surrounding it.  In one of the oldest cities in existence that is Jerusalem, it must have come from a time when no records were kept or hardly a memory in anyone’s mind could know from when it came.  We have always just known it existed and despite our repeated attempts to unveil its secrets inside we were unable to open its doorway.  


Yet, here he now stood before us outside that doorway glowing like an angel coming to reveal himself to the world.  A crowd of millions of people that were far much quicker to the crash than myself, begin mass gathering around the temple's foundation, now fall to their knees and worship him.  I saw for the first time in my religious warfare dystopia of destruction  --  Christians, Muslims, and Jews all falling to their knees at the sight of this overbearing man standing before us far up on the temple’s steps where he emerged from the enclosed entrance.  


As some unseen force grabs my shoulders and forces me to my knees just the same as the rest of the crowd, I can’t help thinking to myself if I should try to escape as if I were being sucked into his forthcoming sermon like some sort of tractor beam.  The first sense of solidarity, peace of mind, and mental sanity now floods my inner thoughts like a warm hug to my inner feelings I had never felt before.  Is this happiness?  It was at this moment I came to the realization that the reason I kept myself alive and never ended my life in this dark shadowed world of warfare for the many years I had existed in previously.  For the chaos I was subjected to in the entire existence of my previous life had made me stronger for this very moment in time.  Finally, I had felt that I had found my purpose.






“Come one, come all!  Bring forth your deranged, defunct, and disillusioned and I shall give them a reason to exist once again.  For you see, I am the Purveyor of Purpose and I am the voice of the most righteous and powerful in all the universe!  The world is a disaster as conflict has corrupted and confused the minds of the weak as these cowards hide in their caves and take their marching orders from a deranged dictator hell bent on complete control over their brainwashed little brains.  I will purge this land of this pathetic piece of poop better known as SHain the shithead of society subjects his loyal subjects to endure!  I will put down the pestilence of the wrestling world known as Gabe Reno.  I will unmask the idiots and de-hypnotise their fragile little egos and unveil the utopia they have all allowed themselves to be mind controlled by some pink little prissy pants pussy!  


Ask yourself my loyal slaves, is it really that radical to keep talking yourself in circles with redundant sentences by just making blanket statements that are nothing but a way to fill time like Gabe Reno would like us all to believe!   I’m glad that SHain can show me his stupidity in seven seconds in his last promo rather than watch an entire Gabe Reno soliloquy making more priest jokes about me than a comedian who can’t come up with anything more clever than a couple of young catholic little boy preacher knock knock jokes.  


If you want to keep up with that little charade, you might as well paint your face up like a fruit cake and start calling yourself Croaton because even a seven year old can cough up more comprehension in all that crap you keep spewing that is shoved down her little innocent throat than you can!  Is SHain ever going to take this shit seriously or is he going to keep yammering on about his HOGM and his promo limits and asinine advertising conversations?  Get you’re fucking shit together and I don’t mean start folding up your tarp, I mean start focusing at the fucking task at hand.  You see, SHain is nothing but someone who likes to run his clacking HOGM mouth rather than put a purpose into action such as myself.  


It’s without a doubt some of the saddest and most pathetic excuse of an RP (recorded, radical, real time, or retarded promo) that I have ever seen even for him!  The world stood in awe as SHain was set to stand opposite The PROPHET! In the first match for the future of this federation.  Some fuckboi’s found Gabe Reno’s appearance to be funny as the second rate sycophant thought his appearance was worth a whisper in this conversation as the two legends of the XWF would be sandwiching his sad ego together and smashing his stupidity of his statements apart with my sermons.


Am I the only one that wants to put the XWF at the forefront of the universe?  Am I the only one that’s even going to show up to this match?  SHain himself readily admits that HOGM has his dick on a leash and has to drag him to even show up to the show.  One thing I can tell you for certain, I’m going to be the one that puts the eyes of EVERYONE on it.  I’m the star of the show and I don’t even have to step inside the ring to prove it as my disciples will dismantle my competition at the snap of my fingers and swat these two little flies off my asshole!


This is just the beginning, as the Prophecy was foretold as the future of this federation and I stand before you beaming in a flashing glow of light as your savior.  Peter Gilmour and The PROPHET!...  are most definitely the purveyors of purpose in this the new and improved version of the XWF, just as we were in the previous!  Pray for the peons who kiss the pink boots of their king of complete control.  Pray for the people who come to challenge me for my championship and the legend of my legacy as their jealousy jilted snowflake egos are turned into a laughable lapse of misjudgement.  But most of all -- Pray for the two little pawns that will be punished on this night of Friday Night Frenzy”.  

-- Edited by THE PROPHET on Thursday 4th of February 2021 08:13:38 PM

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