By Peter Gilmour, as seen in the RP, "The OMEGA.. and the GOD"

"So to all of you great fans out there, please come see the show. Make this show the best show ever in the NEW XWF. We need your support. I need all my great fans support as well. All my Gilmourholics! I need to chant SUCK MY DICK as loud as you can. Show some love to Valerie Sky as well. Just don't touch her or I'll break your arms off. But come out to support the REAL XWF and show the fake ass XWF why the ain't got a chance in hell of beating us."

"Isabella.. Prodigy.. your sorry asses are going to be taken.. TO THE XTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME!"

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Frenzy ep: 002


“Some said the thunder called the lurking fear out of its habitation, while others said the thunder was its voice.” HP Lovecraft

A shadow of darkness hovers over the heads of all those unsuspecting comedians who take the never ending presence of fear for granted as it orbits their thoughts and lurks in their conscious minds continuously until the end of time. They said we were a joke, and they tossed us aside as such in their back and forth banter of such a conspicuous nature that it was obvious that the contradictory nature of their true identities were now revealed. The fear, constantly lurking over their shoulder was now a resounding force no longer simply gnawing at their heels, but rather, taking a deep and heavy bite at the front of their neck as if it were Dracula himself. The fervish followers of the cult leaders began to second guess the power and presence of this pathetic principle those leaders were pushing to prescribe complete control over their once mindless peons.

Now those peons are awakened by a stroke of exuberating euphoria, by the light of the morning star plummeting from the heavens in the sky above to the plains on the horizon they stare at endlessly in a trance of tremendous trepidation. A deviation from their norm, that intrigued and enlightened them at the same time as they now became aware of a different path of enlightenment than the one programmed to them by their dictators. An indifferent indentation interjected in their normal routine, and it is one of such a unique and open-minded nature which draws attention away from the methodical and mesmerizing illusion created to keep them mundane. Imagination is a beautiful thing if you allow it to flourish and to find the depths and lengths of infinite realms far beyond the normal processes of the mind. Nothing can stop the creativity of an overactive imagination, as it constantly competes to capitulate it’s previous creation and to reach the maximum bounds at the end of a black hole of endless existence.

What the leaders of this cult of prosaic prose were not aware of, was that those who opposed them were driven by the will to survive and will not go gently into that good night as those leaders so desperately wished they would and be destroyed. In a world where abolishing the abyssal plain of abnormality is becoming the norm, and where conformity to their communist like community is becoming a beckoning call to the bastards within their group who feel that those that are strange, peculiar, and bizarre are beneath them. They chuckle and mock the odd group of characters sitting outside their circle, as they sit comfortably in their warm and secure safe space around the campfire of complete allegiance to their own allegory. But outside this circle of protective light is a conglomeration of shadows deep in the woods who lurk over their shoulders as an unsuspecting fear that they pretend to ignore, but inevitably refuse to do so by many examples of their actions of their own.

They go around the campfire telling ghost stories of these evil demons and terrorists in their own subconscious thoughts, and try to create a fantasy of their own nightmares that they know are looming in the shadows of the forest surrounding them. Fear is the strongest emotion felt by anyone and everyone, and that is why the stories rendered from the tales of terror are constantly revisited. Why wouldn’t someone simply ignore the lurking fear and watch it disappear from memory? The answer is simple and it is because they can not help themselves, because in the back of their minds they know what’s out there haunting them is actually a real subjectification of an existential threat foaming at the mouth to dethrone them… and that threat is hungry. Salivating as it sits back and simply waits patiently in the shadows.

Fear is the phantom hand on the back of the neck and the sound of a door opening downstairs when no one is coming home. Humor can be used as an attempt to alleviate this fear in the subconscious mind, but it also rears its ugly head every time you mention it regardless of its intended meaning. You can point and you can laugh, but you can never admit then that you don’t acknowledge that it slowly eats away slowly at the back of your mind. If the black hole of endless imagination has an ending, then it certainly won’t be WE who wish to seek it out. A creative universe that has an end is like an earth that is flat, eventually you sail off the edge and find yourself gone forever. As if put in a coma where merely the activity of the brain to keep it still alive is active, and all creative thought and imagination is wiped out completely. We will always continue to believe that a creative universe never has an ending, and that the world of imagination is indeed a spherical product of it’s overactive nature to re-trace its own steps and expand it’s realm the next time it walks over the footprints it left behind.

You can clamp down on the fringes of creativity for the weak minded who can’t stretch their imaginations past the circle of protection that their cult leaders brain washed them into believing. But you can never choke the will to live from those who wish to discover and explore beyond this wall of constriction. What happens when you cage up the creative flow of juices as they spread themselves across the paper as they paint a picture of imagination? Those wild animals who have the strongest will to survive will break free from their cages, and unleash their wrath upon those who kept them under wraps.

They believed that their principles were the popular and predominant amongst the herd of their headless hooligans who would do just about anything to appease the leaders as they passed down their dumbfounded decrees decimating their own freedom of thought and free will. But what they failed to realize for anyone who already has a creative mind wishes to explore and expand it beyond the realms of infinite imagination. Out in that distant realm we wander, searching ever so long in the shadows outside that tiny circle of light kept in a comfortable range just outside the campfire of their chaotic complete control of conformity which they insist upon. They say that we are despicable, dishonest, and deplorable in order to demonize us to keep their own egos in check. But it is in fact those very things in which they fear most tearing down their temples of religion like trepidation, because they know it is these very specific set of skills that created that tiny little circle which they control in the first place… and we are that LURKING FEAR waiting in the shadows outside their little circle.... waiting patiently for that campfire to flicker its final spark.


As the credits begin to flow from the previous television program of some shitty episode of The Bachelor that was playing just previously before Friday Night Frenzy comes on the air, we suddenly get an overshot of about fifty motorcycles lined up in front of the Chicago arena where the wrestling event was about to take place. A conglomeration of biker dudes and chics parking their bikes and then walking directly into the arena tossing their Bush Light beer cans littered on the ground, and spitting their Kodiak chaw chewing tobacco on the ground. All this while also trying to conceal the copious amounts of methamphetamine located underneath the seats of their Harley Davidson motorcycles by plopping their fat girlfriends asses right on top of the bikes seat.

Now you know the real reason why every biker dude has a fat disgusting girlfriend the size of an African elephant is to keep their stash super safe. Their fat disgusting bellies hanging out past their leather jackets and lumps of ass fat bulging out of their black leather chaps, with rolls of cellulite and disgusting cankles peeking over their black leather boots. Cigarette smoke pouring out both sides of their lips and slithering off the edges of their fingertips while they hold them between their pointer and index fingers of their hands daintily dancing the haze out into the air.

Just as the credits to that drama queen disaster waiting to happen reality television program comes to an end; as it’s normal audience is just starting to flip the channel as they are only addicted to the destruction of the lives of another human being, they may think twice about touching that dial as all of the sudden Jon Taffer comes around from a trash dumpster with Shain KarvHOGMblow in tow. They might find the insanity and drama that is about to unfold on Frenzy tonight may intrigue them more than they thought based on their television preference history.

The XWF general manager is seen screaming in the face of the XWF owner and scat enthusiast and dragging him by his shirt collar as they approach the line of motorcycles outside the arena in which Friday Night Frenzy was about to take place.

Jon Taffer: “How in the hell are we going to get women to watch this show after The Batchelor when we got fucking motorcycles sitting out in front of our arena. Did you know; SHain, that if you have more than three motorcycles parked outside your venue then you’re 77% less likely to get women to watch your show? Do you know anything about wrestling federation science at all??”

SHain: “I know that we got that Super Dick superstar Peter F’n Gilmour on our show, and that’s gotta be like 100% more likely that we have women watch the show.”

Jon Taffer does not look pleased with SHain’s answer, as his face gets bright red and his screaming and scolding continue to intensify in both delivery and intensity.


Even HOGM is somewhat taken aback by the immense level of voracity in his voice as she cowers a bit in surprise of Jon’s boisterous commanding words.

SHain: “Not an excuse, not an excuse, just a minor suggestion…”

The Taffmeister interrupts with his veins popping out of his neck.



SHain: “Again, we’re going to have to quit talking in poop puns because I see what you’re trying to say, but yet, the federation of my dreams would in fact take place directly in a toilet.”


Taffer gets that glare in his eye that sends a message that he may back hand SHain if he doesn’t answer quickly and correctly.

SHain: “Again? I feel like I answer this question every ten minutes when I’m with you.”

Taffer actually raises his hand up as if he is going to slap HOGM clean across her face!


SHain: “You only embrace solutions…”


Taffer lowers his hand and the tone of his voice.

Jon Taffer: “So, what are we going to do about all these bikes?”

SHain: “I don’t know, what do you suggest?”

The Taffman chuckles a bit to himself and walks over towards the pile of bikes, and just like the fuckin’ Hulk he picks one of the largest motorcycles in the lot with only one hand and hurls it over his head and it explodes in a ball of gas and fire behind him. It looks like one member of the biker gang is not pleased as perhaps it was his bike that was tossed. He must not have noticed in what matter it was done by Taffer simply tossing it around like a Tonka truck toy in the sand box or he wouldn’t even think to stand toe to toe with the mother of all businessmen. The drunk biker dude reaches for a gun in his belt around his waist, but before he can he catches a bullet directly between his eyes as ‘quick draw’ McTafferson was first to fire his nine millimeter pistol so fast that it would put Han fucking Solo to shame.

More biker dudes saw what had just taken place and took off in a flurry of fear as they wouldn’t dare come near Jon Taffer after that display of power and authority. Nobody ever stands in his way! As the bikers scatter Taffer takes a look in the camera before the scene fades to our first match of the night.

Jon Taffer: “I told you all I’d be taking out the trash in this federation. Just like drezdin said, from the bottom to the top!”

SHain: “I think he said from the top to the bottom, actually!”

Taff-O-Mania bites his bottom lip and turns more red in the face then ever as the wrinkles on his forehead begin contorting together like mountains forming on the top of his head.

Jon Taffer: “EXCUSES!!!!!!!”

The camera fades into the ring where we prepare for our first match of the night!



Isabella Ravenwolf


Oliver Last


"Super" Scatbear


Brian Storm

Maybe Match: Maybe these people will show up, maybe they won't. This is the wildcard of the ENTIRE show! The actual rules/falls/etc for this match will be determined the DAY OF the show for added suspense! AND THE WINNER EARNS A TITLE SHOT!!!

Tony Bologna: Maybe.

Dick Wuzzy: Maybe what?

Tony Bologna: Maybe Match!

Dick Wuzzy: Oooooooh, you got me!

Tony Bologna: That’s right it’s time for the first ever MAYBE MATCH! We threw some names together on a board and just said…

Dick Wuzzy: FUCK IT!

Tony Bologna: That’s right. And we figured whoever shows up, shows up!

Dick Wuzzy: I hope SHain starts booking randoms from outside of the federation next just to see if they come and drop some promo fire on our asses!

Tony Bologna: I hear there are a lot of people watching from the outside that might be waiting to jump at the chance, Dick!


All eyes focus on the XTron as we see an image of one of the participants for tonight…

Dick Wuzzy: Oh shit who’s it going to be?

Tony Bologna: Somebody that wanted to say a few words BEFORE they come out here!

“Nom nom nom”


Tony Bologna: What the hell is he eating? I better take a picture of it and pretend it’s incriminating!

Dick Wuzzy: Da fuq are you talking about, dumb shit?

Tony Bologna: Nevermind! He’s about to speak!!

SUPER SCATBEAR: Hey there everybody! Merry X-mas! It’s time for the XWF to watch as the one and only SUPER SCATBEAR makes his grand X-debut in the ol’ squared circle. And do you know what that means? I said do you know what that means?

Dick Wuzzy: We obviously don’t dumb fuck.

Tony Bologna: Oh stop it! The man’s enjoying his debut moment.

SUPER SCATBEAR: I said do you know what that means?

Tony Bologna: Ok now it’s annoying.

And then the unthinkable happens………………………………

Super Scatbear stares into the camera and he does it…

He raises his left eyebrow...  REALLY high.

Dick Wuzzy: What the hell is this twat doing?

Tony Bologna: I think its… I think it’s…

SUPER SCATBEAR: (calmly and gently assuring us) You’re lookin’ at the scatbrow of wisdom, ladies and gentleshits...

Tony Bologna: I was close!

Dick Wuzzy: What did you think it was?

Tony Bologna: The way I look at someone when they say they support pedophilia but hate making fun of racists and homophobes!

Dick Wuzzy: Ha ha what?? The shit you come up with. You’ve got fuckin’ problems.

Just then, the XTron flickers and dies out. It’s as if the power of the people’s scatbrow blew the whole thing out!

Dick Wuzzy: Holy shit!

Tony Bologna: Technical difficulties for Super Scatbear. Hopefully he finds his way to the ring.

Dick Wuzzy: How do you know the match even takes place in the ring though? Its stipulation hasn’t even been announced yet!

Tony Bologna: And that’s half the fun of this match ladies and gentlemen! We’re about to find out right now just what our participants have signed up for!

There’s a dead silence for a while and eventually the XTron flickers back to life, this time showing us the lovely Liz Weinberg backstage! The participants for the match are all seen in the nearby area as well, waiting to hear the announcement. Isabella Ravenwolf, Oliver Last, Brian Storm, and Super Scatbear have all shown up for this one.

Liz Weinberg: We told you we’d announce the match type the night of the show and there was a lot of talk about it being an over the top rope battle royal but instead we’ve got something even better in store. There’s a reason you guys were asked to meet here backstage. Tonight this 4-way match will be a wild easter egg hunt but instead of eggs, you’ll be looking for…

Dick Wuzzy: Please be dildos please be dildos please be dildos.

Liz Weinberg: WEAPONS!

Dick Wuzzy: Aw dammit.

Liz Weinberg: But there’s a catch. You see in order for you guys to even touch an opponent, you need to be using a weapon on them. That’s right, lay hands on an opponent without using a weapon on them and you’re eliminated on the spot!

Tony Bologna: Who the heck came up with that?

Liz Weinberg: And in addition to that, in order to use a weapon it must be labeled as a weapon!

The camera backstage starts to focus on various objects in different areas and they have large sticky notes on them that say WEAPON on them.

Dick Wuzzy: Ha ha wow no wonder they don’t announce this shit in advance.

The contestants (at this point we have to call them that) all glance around and look at each other, nobody looking very pleased or confident about such an unusual situation.

Liz Weinberg: So to summarize, use weapons that are labeled as weapons. If you attack in any way without a weapon, you’re out. The winner is the last one standing, or the first one to earn a pinfall or submission anywhere in the arena! Oh yeah, and Brian Storm and Oliver Last aren’t allowed to team up. Brian said he’s going to be watching Oliver’s back but that’ll mean both of you are eliminated for it! We need a fair contest here!

Dick Wuzzy: Wow! Liz laying down the law!

Liz Weinberg: Good luck everyone! On your marks… get set… GO!

Liz claps twice, firmly. She darts out of there.

Dick Wuzzy: GO?!?!?!? What the…?

And the first thing we see is Super Scatbear rushing straight for Isabella Ravenwolf and he…


An assload of debris comes tumbling down on the two as a referee starts waving it off and pointing at Super Scatbear.

Ref: You’rrrrre outta here!!!

Tony Bologna: Oof. Well I guess he wasn’t paying attention to the rules. You need to be using a weapon to lay hands on your opponent, pal!

Dick Wuzzy: Get this goof ahhh’da here!

ELIMINATED: Super Scatbear

The damage has been done as more and more wall, ceiling, and unidentified lab equipment fall on top of Isabella. Super Scatbear pulls her up and throws her at Oliver Last, who dodges just in time to allow her to sail through the air and into a cameraman.

More officials arrive to shove Super Scatbear out of the area as he smiles cockily and raises the scatbrow of wisdom. Brian Storm rushes over to Isabella and pins her.



Shoulder up!

Brian brings his fist back and is about to lay into her when Oliver Last whacks Brian with a steel chair and knocks him away from Isabella!

Tony Bologna: Technically Oliver just saved Brian in this match. He would have been right out the door with Super Scatbear had he struck Isabella without a weapon!

Dick Wuzzy: How stupid. I’d hit her with my homemade eggplant parm and call it a day.

Tony Bologna: I have a weird feeling that means something else but OH MY GOD!

Just then we see Brian get his hands on one of the items labeled “weapon” and it’s a blow torch!

BLAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Flames go flying toward Oliver and Isabella!

Dick Wuzzy: Ol’ boy is pissed now!

Oliver manages to get behind a nearby dumpster while Isabella is able to crawl behind a locked chest. The flames are out of control as Brian starts screaming and shaking the nozzle of the flamethrower around everywhere!


Oliver Last with a flying dropkick with his legs in a metal trash can that had a weapon label on it!

Dick Wuzzy: Oh clever. I could do that too though.

Tony Bologna: We’d allllll like to see it, Dick.

Last sends Brian flying back and the flamethrower slides across the floor. Isabella Ravenwolf is lurking around behind some equipment and she has found another WEAPON! It’s a……. Switchblade!!!

She eyes the blade closely and then looks right to Olive Last. Last has just picked up the metal trash can and throws it at Isabella but she dives out of the way heading toward Brian and she cuts his arm with the blade! She swipes at him again but here comes Last with a long steel pipe that of course was tagged as a weapon and he takes Isabella’s knees out from behind with the pipe. Brain then grabs a watermelon and it has the weapon label, so he smashes it over Oliver’s head!

Tony Bologna: Ouch!

Dick Wuzzy: Well at least they’re playing by the rules and not acting as partners.

Isabella lunges toward Brian, swiping him across the chest with the blade and goes to stab it in his leg but he blocks it and headbutts her on the bridge of the nose before pump kicking her, sending her back and to the floor but the ref is calling it!

Dick Wuzzy: Oh shit! He got caught up in the moment and hit her without a weapon!

Tony Bologna: I can’t really blame him. Who the heck is going to think to stop and grab a weapon at a moment like that? He had to do what he had to do.

The ref waves Brian out of here but he lays a quick stomp into Isabella before exiting the area. Oliver is getting back to his feet now and shaking off the watermelon effect. He grabs a nearby broom and approaches Isabella but then in an unexpected turn of events he tosses the broom to her? He then starts toward her as if to hit her but she swings and cracks the broomstick over Oliver’s head!


Tony Bologna: What??

The referee is pointing at Isabella and then at the broom.

Ref: Wasn’t labeled as a weapon for this match! You’re outta here!

Dick Wuzzy: Haha that was fuckin’ brilliant! Tossed her a weapon that wasn’t allowed to be a weapon. It’s basically an updated Eddie Guererro trick!

Isabella can’t believe it! She whacks the ref with the broken end of the broomstick and other officials rush over to take her away as Oliver Last holds his head in pain, but also in victory.

Winner: Oliver Last


A giant rowdy crowd begins to gather forming a large circle in the parking lot as if some kind of mosh pit were beginning to form or something. They begin screaming and shoving one another and fighting for a closer look at what was taking place inside the circle. Someone even stabs some dude that was standing in his way as he falls to the ground and begins bleeding profusely, not a single person stopping to help him and rather stampede over the top of him. The camera even has to float above the crowd in order to see what’s going on, as it is obvious that not a single person would allow for the person holding it to push its way through to the center of the circle.

As it floats overhead trying to make its way to the center of the circle of people that have created this mosh pit like giant circle, it takes about ten minutes to float it’s way past a sea of people as thousands, if not millions, of people had gathered in this massive circle to witness what was taking place. And as soon as we get there, it’s obvious as to the reason why. The PROPHET! And Gabe Reno we’re fighting each other in what looked like a revenge type match scenario from what had just taken place the previous Frenzy show. Gabe Reno has a baseball bat and cracks it across PROPHET!’s back while he is downed with a slight smirk on his face as he makes leans down to inflict more damage.

PROPHET!; however, was playing dead possum and a bit and reaches up and grabs the bat from Reno and backhands him with it sending Gabe flailing backwards. PROPHET!, starts running up towards Reno waving the bat over his head ready to strike a devastating running blow, but Reno is too quick and grabs a nearby trash can lid and flings it at PROPHET!’s face like a frisbee. PROPHET!, is too slow as he attempts to block the flying disc trash can lid with his baseball bat, but is instead caught square in the forehead and flops to the ground like a dead fish in the midst of a full blown seizure.

A sudden break in the crowd begins to form directly behind the two XWF superstars fighting in the parking lot with the LARGEST crowd ever imaginable watching the two go at it. Seriously, I mean this is bigger than like 100 Garth Brooks concerts combined. Hate that country boy all you want, the man draws the biggest crowds, except for this one that was parting faster then the dead sea for Moses. After the massive crowd parts finally after what seems like forever due to its enormous size we are revealed the reason as to why this huge crowd could be moved at all… and the reason…. Of course…. Is Jon mother fuckin’ Taffer!

Chucking bikers over his shoulder left and right as if they were footballs and stomping on top of lifeless bodies almost on purpose as his path takes him directly from one motionless body to the next on the pavement in sort of a perfect path of destruction. HOGM is bobbing her head up and down as she follows closely behind on top of SHain who can barely keep up with Taffer’s massive strides as he makes his way towards the commotion of the two XWF superstars fighting in the parking lot. When he arrives upon the scene he starts waving his hand in the air like a windmill directing SHain to hurry up and catch up to him so he can point out more problems in his wrestling federation.

Jon Taffer: “You see here, SHain! You got your general managers out here fighting amongst themselves out in the parking lot in front of all your customers! This is a fucking lawsuit just waiting to happen!”

SHain: “It’s what all the fans wanted, Taffman! All they keep talking about is how my general managers are in the main event! I’M JUST GIVING THE FANS WHAT THEY WANT MR. TAFFER!!!!”

SHain obviously regrets raising his voice like that to Mr. Taffer immediately, because no matter how high pitched or loud of a voice he or HOGM make, Taffer always tops it. It’s been a constant dance between the two from the moment they met as they keep trying to top one another in intensity and volume and always Taffer has come out the victor.


Taffer screeches like a banshee while simultaneously spitting in HOGM’s face as he walks up on her like a bouncer about to throw her out of some gothic night club. SHain wipes the spittle off his face and responds.

SHain: “I’m sorry I merely…”

Taffer interrupts again.

Jon Taffer: “EXCUSES!!”

The bar master begins walking up quickly on SHain hovering over him.

SHain: “Embrace Solutions, EMBRACE SOLUTIONS!!!”

Jon Taffer: “That’s right, now, tell me, did you ever see that episode of Bar Rescue in the middle of some shit stain trailer park in the middle of Iowa called the ‘O Face’ Bar that I rescued a long time ago?? You know, the one with the cheap rip off of Dog the Bounty Hunter’s blonde troll lookin’ wife?!”

SHain: “The classic episode that was the first bar you ever walked out on and gave up?”

Jon Taffer: “ I never gave up, those people were beyond saving! An owner hitting an employee is beyond reprehensible. I’m not a counselor, I’m a bar man!”

A trash can lid comes whizzing past Taffer’s face and hits HOGM directly in the face! SHain grunts and then takes off after Reno to join the general manager brawl out in the parking lot right in front of the venue for Friday Night Frenzy. A replay of what we saw last week perhaps?

SHain: “What’s this about an owner hitting an employee?!?!”

Jon Taffer: “Don’t you dare SHain!”

Taffer says like a parent scolding a toddler who was about to run away with something in their hands they weren’t supposed to be holding.

Jon Taffer: “Drop it, SHain!”

SHain reveals a lump of disgusting black shit dripping off the end of his fingertips, it almost looks fresh!!!

SHain flings the poo at PROPHET! And it smashes across his face. This causes an all out war of the three general managers in far greater intensity then the previous Frenzy. The massive crowd stares mesmerized by the battle that was taking place before their eyes, and it even blew up discord. Literally nuked that mother fucker like it exploded like a bomb because everyone was talking about it so often. The three general managers continue to bash trash cans over the others head and smear shit all over one another. Jim Cornette comes out of the crowd and approaches the gang of general managers beating the hell and smearing feces all over one another.

Jim Cornette: “Enough with this outlaw mud show horse shit!!

He says while tossing fluorescent light bulb tubes at the three, who pick them up and start fighting with them as if they were lightsabers.

Jim Cornette: “Let’s actually let these idiots kill themselves and rid us of all this silliness and my contractual obligations to manage Kenny Olivier!!”

Jon Taffer walks into the middle of the three fencing with the light tubes and grabs each one by the collar of their shirt and screams at them all in the face while holding them all three up in the air at the same time.


The three in unison respond to Taffer’s odd and yet predictable request.

General Manager Team: “No!”


HOGM cackles a bit, but eventually the three of them all oblige as the camera takes turns panning in and out of the faces of the three general managers with an image of the ring slowly coming into focus behind their faces. The three all screaming together in unison…





Peter F'n Gilmour



Singles Match: The "superdick" versus the super ego! There's no doubt Gilly's nether regions will be twitching when he steps into the ring with the gorgeous Chariti. Chariti isn't one to give "donations" but will she accept one from the sexiest man on the roster?

The bell rings and Peter Gilmour laughs at Chariti, says she's a woman and she has no chance against the "God of X-Treme." She shakes her head and says she is gonna kick his ass and he laughs again, obviously not afraid of some little woman. Chariti, however, has a confident look on her face as the two circle. Peter goes for a lock up, but Chariti doesn't wanna get into a strength battle. She ducks under Peter and pops up behind him. Gilly turns around, and she ducks under again, bobbing and weaving like a boxer with each Gilmour advance.

Finally she comes off the ropes and goes for a flying cross body but Gilmour catches her and slams her to the mat. Peter seems cocky still, kicking her lightly in the back as she crawls away. Peter goes to pick her up by the hair but she uppercuts him, staggering him off, and goes for a back kick but he grabs her foot and shoves her away, causing her to lose balance and stumble.

TONY BOLOGNA: Peter is as cocky and arrogant as ever, Dick. He literally has no fear of losing this match to a woman!

DICK WUZZY: I mean, Peter IS known for beating on women. Just ask his old employer, if you can get past the angry mob guarding the front gates.

Chariti is back and the two circle again. Peter is grinning, telling her to bring it on. She steps forward hard, he swings, she anticipates and ducks, and loops behind him, wrapping her arms around her waist. She goes for a suplex but he doesn't move. She tries again, he doesn't move. He grins again and begins to rotate his hips, gyrating and as he grabs her hands and brings them towards his super dick.

TONY BOLOGNA: This is all a big joke to him!

DICK WUZZY: It's Peter Gilmour, life is a big joke.

Chariti has a disgusted look on her face as she balls her fist, and slams Peter in his super dick. He "OOOOOFFFFS" out loud and goes to his knees. Chariti comes off the ropes and knees Peter in the back of the head with a shining wizard. Peter's face bounces off the mat.

She quickly covers.



Peter gets a shoulder up. Chariti ALMOST stole one there.

She knows she doesn't have the strength advantage over Peter and has to stay on the attack. She comes off the ropes again and drops a knee across his chest.

Another quick cover.



Peter pops out again.

Peter gets back to his feet, though. The XWF LEGEND won't stay down! Peter uses the ropes to get himself back to his feet. She grabs him, she goes for a side Russian leg sweep, but he hits her with a back elbow and whips her into the corner. Peter is angry now and charges, clotheslining her into the turnbuckle pad. With a yell, he whips her into the other corner.



He runs and drives a shoulder into her midsection, driving the air out of her. He drives a shoulder in again and then takes her by the hair, flipping her over into a sitting position and locking in a sleeper. Chariti is trying to fight it off, but Peter has it locked in. She tries punching out of it, trying to get to her feet, refusing to fade.

Peter's girlfriend is shit talking from the outside, calling Chariti a slut.

Just when it looks like Peter's strength (he is a man, afterall.....) is getting the best of her, Chariti is able to use her athleticism to get her foot on the ropes. The ref makes Peter break the hold. He doesn't seem happy about it but he does, not wanting to be DQ'd. Chariti grabs at her neck, coughing.

She gets up and Peter is on her again, and clubs her in the back of the head. It was a blatant cheap shot.

Cameron is up on the apron. Valery tries to pull her off. She kicks at Valerie, trying to shove her away. Peter sees this and grins again, taking a handful of hair from the head of Cameron in his fist. Chariti's special friend, however, quick draws and goes to Peter in the side of the head with a personal beauty mirror............BUT PETER MOVES


Valarie pulls Cameron off the apron as Chariti stumbles around, blinded temporarily by the glass


Peter points at Valerie who licks her lips as he pins her.




Dick Wuzzy: “Peter wins!!! By gawd the Super Dick is back!! He’s back!! He’s got his first big victory in the new and improved version of XWF!”

Tony Bologna: “I feel like this is just the start of many more big victories as Peter has his eye set on revenge, and theirs no bigger motivator in the world then rage and the need to seek revenge on those who unceremoniously fired you on your FUCKING BIRTHDAY!”

Dick Wuzzy: “The GOD! Among men has once again reigned supreme and it’s certainly a very long awaited victory. The Prophecy looks stronger than ever!”

Tony Bologna: “Don’t count Chariti out of this completely though, Tony. She certainly put up a great fight against this XWF legend, there’s something to be said for that!!”

Dick Wuzzy: “For a newcomer to even come that close to beating the Xtreme Icon Peter Gilmour like that, is certainly something not to scoff at! She was protecting her girlfriend, or else the match perhaps would have been hers!!”

Peter is celebrating his win in the middle of the ring with his lovely demon assassin Valerie, when suddenly the lights go out completely! The crowd comes to a complete halt and utter silence as fear has gripped them by the balls as the entire arena has gone completely numb to their surroundings.

Tony Bologna: “What the hell is going on Dick?”

Dick Wuzzy: “Did someone forget to pay the electric bill? Those damn wind turbines start freezing up again!?! All thanks to AOC and that green new deal!”

A woman screams and shortly thereafter pandemonium ensues, but just before things get too out of hand the lights come back on. In the center of the ring Peter is laying down flat on his back knocked out cold by…

Morbid Angel!!

Tony Bologna: “The dick collector himself must be back to claim the mightiest meat rod of them all that he stole many years ago, come back to take it as his own SUPER appendage for his necklace once again!

Dick Wuzzy: “What’s this Tony? It appears that Isabella Ravenwolf is with him, and she’s holding Peter down with some kind of mind control witchcraft or some shit!”

Morbid Angel drops his pants and starts dangling his large set of gigantic hairy balls near Peter’s mouth.

Tony Bologna: “And you know Dick, with all the steroids he’s been injecting lately that those balls definitely hang extra, extra low.”

Dick Wuzzy: “Loooow Ride….. Er… Get a little higher…… Take a little trip…. Take a little trip….. Take a little trip in meeeeee…”

Tony Bologna: “What the hell was that, Dick?”

Morbid starts to lower his sagging balls closer to Peter’s face which distracts Dick from answering Tony’s question as the entire crowd is now focused on Morbid’s greasy members.

Dick Wuzzy: “It looks like he’s going to tea bag him Tony!!”

Tony Bologna: “Somebody please stop this disgusting display of vomit inducing behavior! Somebody save Peter!!”

At that very moment The PROPHET! Comes in from the top of the ramp and reaches up into the stands with his hand. Using his force strength he makes one of the pillars come crashing down right next to Isabella Ravenwolf which throws off her concentration in her voodoo chant that was holding Peter down.

Dick Wuzzy: “Thank GOD! For PROPHET!, he just saved Peter from another one of Morbid’s embarrassing penial procedures!”

This gives Peter the chance to get back up and he punts Morbid in the balls!!

Tony Bologna: “That one’s gotta hurt!”

The scene cuts to commercials as Peter and Isabella are going at it in the ring and The PROPHET!, stepping over Morbid Angel in order to assist Peter as the evil ball dipper is on the ground writhing in pain.


Our next scene opens up to a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes and a scowl on his face the size of a woman who just was told she needed to lighten up by her mother in law. He doesn’t look happy, as he makes his way closer to the fence and eventually his true identity is revealed. It’s Chris Hansen from Dateline NBC! I’d say I’m surprised to see him, but I think we all know the real reason why he’s here.

Chris Hansen: “Enough is enough!”

As he approaches the fencing around the arena, a group of police officers approach him lookin very concerned as Chris is peering through the holes in the fence.

Police Officer: “Can we help you, sir?”

Chris Hansen: “Sure guys, why don’t you just take a seat over there and let’s talk it out.”

Police Officer: “Take a seat where? There’s nowhere to sit?!”

Chris Hansen: “Why don’t you just have a seat!”

Police Officer: “Listen moron, do you want to get arrested for lurking?!?!”

Chris Hansen: “Don’t you mean loitering?”

Police Officer: “Same thing shit head. Do you know the punishment for lurking around these parts?”

Chris Hansen: “I know loitering is probably just a minor citation with just a meager fine.”

The police officer isn’t amused by his answers and he grabs the fence and starts shaking it like an absolute madman scaring Chris Hansen away.

Police Officer: “Round these parts lurking carries a penalty of an anal raping to the death! That what you want now, huh boy!”

Chris Hansen is seen running away as the police officer chuckles to himself before making his way further down the fence where he sees another harmless soul peeking his way in to see what was taking place inside the arena. He checks his top secret watch which does a body scan of the person peering through the fence and it tells him the exact identity of the culprit he was sent to harass. A smile cracks his face and an erection pops up in his pants as he takes off towards his next victim.



Morbid Angel


"TwinkleToes McFingerbang" Kenny Olivier

Singles Match w/ Jim Cornette as guest referee! Jim is Kenny's unwilling "manager" for 90 days, but we all know Jim can't stand Kenny! How will Jim's personal feelings come into play versus his professionalism and ability to do his job? Will he hurt or help his own client? Also, what are Jim's thoughts on how Morbid Angel as a wrestler (and occasional cock ripper offer) affects the wrestling business? Can Morbid Angel easily convince Jim to stab Kenny in the back? So many questions! Cult of Cornette members are DYING to watch these promos and hear these guys go at it before the show!

We find our next match ready to begin as Morbid Angel and Kenny Olivier are in their respective corners. Jim Cornette is in the center of the ring, wearing his referee stripes, already looking annoyed at how the fabric is irritating his arm pits.

Tony Bologna: He sure doesn’t seem pleased to be here.

Dick Wuzzy: Well he’s stuck managing a guy he hates because of some 90 day contract he signed while he was under the influence. Would you be happy?


The bell rings and we’re off! Kenny comes flying out of the corner like a bat out of hell and goes for the flying V Trigger knee!

Morbid Angel just ducks and Kenny flies over the top rope for the outside!

Cornette: For fuck’s sake!!!! One move in and you’re already cartwheeling to the outside!!! Fuuuuuuuu-UCK!

Jim shakes his head in disgust at his own client as Morbid just looks on, enjoying the display.

Cornette: Get up you fuckwit!

Kenny is down on the mat at ringside, writhing in pain. He’s holding his head and his ribs.

Cornette: Shake it off you Harpo Marx looking ballerina footed cosplayer! Get back in here!

Dick Wuzzy: Oh jesus this isn’t looking good. Just count him out already, Jim. You’re the ref!

Tony Bologna: At the same time though that is his client meaning he does have an interest in that winner’s purse that gets shared with the manager.

Kenny finally starts to push himself to his feet and Morbid Angel quickly slides out of the ring on the other side, running around the ring to gain momentum and… SLAAAAM!!!! He shoulder blocks Kenny through the barricade!!!

Fans: Holy shit, holy shit…

Jim Cornette is ripping what little hair he has left out.

Cornette: HOLY SHIT! God daaaaamnit!? Fuck!

Tony Bologna: Jim seems to be having problems keeping control of this contest.

Jim sees Morbid Angel just hovering over Kenny’s battered body, slowly cherry picking all the sweet spots to stomp and kick as he stalks around him. Jim rushes over to ringside and grabs his trademark tennis racquet.

Tony Bologna: Uh oh. When the ref is the first to grab a weapon you know things aren’t going the way they should.

Jim hastily makes his way around ringside and over to Morbid and Kenny.

Cornette: Get in the fuckin’ ring you jack offs!


Jim just slammed that racquet right into Morbid’s back!!!

Morbid slowly turns around as Jim freezes in his tracks.

Dick Wuzzy: Uh oh!

Morbid is about to lay into Jim but then takes a step back realizing Jim is already whacking Kenny with the racquet now. Morbid just shrugs it off and observes as Jim tries to revive his client with several more shots from the racquet.

Morbid Angel: Here let me help!

Morbid takes the racquet from Jim and pulls Kenny up to his feet. He turns Kenny around, bends him over, and takes the racquet handle first getting ready to shove it up Kenny’s ass!

Tony Bologna: For the love of god!

Dick Wuzzy: Morbid’s about to penetrate old TwinkleToes!

Jim sees what’s happening and while he doesn’t mind the notion of Kenny getting fucked, he also feels this kind of “wrestling” shits on the entire industry and insults it. Jim rushes in and grabs his racquet, getting into a quick tug of war with Morbid. As the two are struggling over the racquet, Kenny pulls his tights back up and flutters up to the ring apron, tip toes as quickly as can be across it to the turnbuckle, scales it more gracefully than any man has ever ascended to any height before… And he leaps!

TwinkleToes McFingerbang soars through the air like an angel in his own right as Morbid Angel and Jim Cornette both look up and try to brace themselves for impact but Kenny lands hard across both of them!

Jim goes flopping away, landing ass up. Morbid didn’t budge. Kenny’s down, holding his head where it happened to crash into Morbid’s cock.

Dick Wuzzy: Hold on so let me get this straight. Kenny just took out Morbid and Jim except because Kenny’s head happened to make contact with Morbid’s notoriously resilient cock muscle, it’s Kenny and Jim who are both hurt in this exchange?

Tony Bologna: Looks that way, Dick!

Morbid can’t help but take a moment to turn to the fans and allow them to bask in the glory of his immovable night hammer of victory. He has his hands on his hips, just standing proud as fuck and keeping his pelvis ever, ever, ever so slightly swaying forward and back.

Dick Wuzzy: Well he’s sure proud of that registered lethal weapon he’s got there.

Jim starts to come to his senses and sees Morbid in that post, prominently highlighting his own cock and balls to the fans. Jim’s eyes bug out of head and he facepalms himself to oblivion before turning to his client and seeing him laid out cold, now bleeding from the face.

Dick Wuzzy: Oh I guess Morbid popped his face cherry too.

Tony Bologna: Gross.

Cornette: This is an outlaw mudshow from the deepest darkest corner of hell and I’m stuck reffing this shit? You know what? Next person to piss me off gets DQ’d!

Morbid Angel grabs Kenny and rolls him into the ring. Morbid follows and stalks his prey, waiting for him to rise. Kenny begins to extend his frame…

And suddenly…

Morbid Angel grabs a phone from a fan, quickly looks up a video, and shows Jim Cornette the latest youtube footage of Kenny Olivier playing in the ring with blowup dolls and Japanese schoolgirls!

Dick Wuzzy: Ouch!

Jim’s eyes light up with fire. Apparently Jim hadn’t seen this new footage yet!

Cornette: Oh for the love of……. Fuck it! This sing-songy, jazz hands’ing, perm having, fingerfucking satchel of fairy dust is a disgrace to this business!

Kenny is shaking off the cobwebs as Jim takes the phone Morbid borrowed from a fan and he shatters it over Kenny’s head!!!

Dick Wuzzy: Hot damn!

Tony Bologna: What is it with Jim and phones?

Cornette turns to Morbid.

Cornette: You know what? YOU WIN!

Ding ding ding…

Dick Wuzzy: Ha ha what? Did Jim really just call it like that?

Tony Bologna: I mean he did say the next guy to piss him off would be DQ’d. I guess it was ol’ TwinkleToes here. Jim IS NOT a fan of what he just saw more footage of Kenny doing.

Dick Wuzzy: But Kenny should just claim it’s old footage and doesn’t matter. I hear that’s a good defense.

Morbid Angel accepts the victory, as he is always happy to do. He raises his rist in triumph as Jim keeps berating his own client and looking at him with such a level of disgust.

Morbid Angel adjusts his focus back on Kenny now, backs up as far as he can against the ropes, and then sprints forward delivering one hell of a field goal kick to Kenny’s ribs as he was trying to push himself to his feet! Kenny flies up and over the ropes, tumbling and crashing down onto the apron and then the floor.

Dick Wuzzy: It’s good! Morbid Angel’s experience in the NFL is sure paying dividends!

Jim is using his racquet to fan Kenny and try to revive him so he can hear him berate him some more, and some of those “fanning” swipes and up cracking him in the face, which Jim has no problem with.

Winner: Morbid Angel

tumblr_nj8i4pI3d41qzx3jto10_500.gif Jon Taffer is seen barreling down the hallway making his way towards his office trampling over office plants and chairs and flattening them beneath his giant foot as if he were leaving tracks like a tyrannosaurus rex. His door is already missing from his office as a graveyard of broken wood splitters and hinges lay beneath the entrance to his office. When he gets there, he notices that Chris Hansen was already there waiting for him and sitting in his giant throne chair constructed of the finest gold leather that money can buy.

Jon Taffer: “Get the hell out of my chair, Hansen! Your reality television show is nothing compared to mine!”

Chris Hansen: “Why don’t you have a seat, Mr. Taffer right over there.”

Jon Taffer: “This is my office you walking tampon, now get the hell out of my chair!”

Chris Hansen: “Just take a seat.”

Taffer throws a bar glass at Chris Hansen’s head that he must just keep up his sleeve to use at any random time he deems necessary. Hansen ducks just in the nick of time and then pleads with Taffer before the bar man behemoth reaches for another bar glass in his trench coat pocket.

Chris Hansen: “Listen, Taffy, I’ve been hired by the XWF to help keep an eye on this place. As you know many of those brainwashed buffoons over in the fake 99 pedo federation are starting to trickle their way here through the underground railroad to freedom from their communist dictators. I’m just here to make sure any of those undesirables don’t make their way over here.”

Jon Taffer: “How the hell are you going to do that?”

Chris Hansen: “It’s easy Taffer, no pedo would come within 100 miles around me. It’s really kind of a no brainer.”

Jon Taffer: “You calling me stupid, Mr Hansen?”

Taffer raises another bar glass as if he’s going to chuck it at Hansen’s face who cowers and immediately starts to plead for mercy again.

Chris Hansen: “Please sir, don’t throw that at me! You’re a brilliant man Mr. Taffer!”

Jon Taffer: “I suppose you do have a purpose despite how much you do annoy me with your witty attitude and your weasel like appearance. Just know that I’m the top dog reality tv star around here and you can stay as long as you know that you’ll be constantly playing second fiddle to me forever!”

Chris Hansen: “Of course…”

Chris Hansen bows and then walks out of Taffer’s office and the scene fades to our next match of the night.


Kieran Overton


Bonnie Blue

Singles Match: Following her impressive victory in her Frenzy debut, can Bonnie Blue move on to stop the oncoming train known throughout the wrestling industry as Kieran Overton? All eyes are on this guaranteed show stealer!

Bonnie Blue is in the ring awaiting the arrival of Kieran Overton, but nothing happens…?

Tony Bologna: We’re being told there was some sort of issue with Kieran. Let’s go to the back.

Backstage we see some really goofy looking dude with long blonde hair and a ripped up t-shirt, covered in oil or sweat. He’s got somebody cornered, and is SCREeEeEAMING at the person as loud as he can!

Dick Wuzzy: Who the hell is this pansy ass lookin’ turd?

Tony Bologna: I’m not sure, but he’s really laying it in verbally to that person cowering and shaking in the corner! What the heck did we just stumble into?

The blonde with googley eyes and THE most enormous front teeth just continues to rage and scream…




Tony Bologna: Oh man this whack job is angry as hell. I sure hope he’s not screaming at and bullying a person with any type of disability. I still can’t quite make out who this little dork is yelling at but they look terrified and unable to defend themselves against the mere words of a RAGING jackass that thinks he’s their master.

Triggered Blonde: You stupid idiot! How dare you work with people that catch me being a shady ass worthless piece of dog shit! BAD! BAD!

Dick Wuzzy: Oh my god is this incel whacking that possibly disabled person with a goddamn rolled up newspaper now and yelling BAD at them?

Tony Bologna: That he is, Dick.


A gun is placed to the head of the raging blonde bitch boy.

SHain KarvHOGMblow is the one holding it.

SHain: Ok. Well if you’re going to fuck up this entire match when we’re trying to do the introductions, guess what? Now you’re going to the ring to make up for it. Get moving, pedo lover.

-- Edited by XWF00 OFFICIAL on Sunday 21st of February 2021 01:56:59 PM

-- Edited by XWF00 OFFICIAL on Sunday 21st of February 2021 02:07:23 PM



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Posts: 48

SHain directs this weird ass looking blonde goof with a ripped up t-shit down toward the ring and orders him in, keeping the gun aimed right at his groin area. Wisely, the blonde dumbfuck obeys.

SHain: Alright Bonnie, here’s your new opponent since he wants to get involved in our SHIT! Ring that bell, ref!

The ref signals for the bell and Bonnie looks at the odd looking blonde dweeb rather confusedly.

Dick Wuzzy: I’m right there with ya babe!

Tony Bologna: Imagine coming into a match that’s advertised as being against Kieran Overton, but then ending up having to deal with this seemingly brain damaged gimp that’s currently twitching in the corner and crying. What shit luck.

Dick Wuzzy: I wonder where Kieran is, anyway? Oh shit I just got a text and apparently we have an update that Kieran Overton has, indeed, approved himself being replaced by “the angry triggered bitch that yells at defenseless people in corners because fuck him” and there’s a pic of Kieran giving a thumbs up.

Tony Bologna: Well that’s… odd. But as long as Kieran’s ok with it, I guess we’ll go ahead with it!

Dick Wuzzy: I mean, he has that right. So let’s call this shit! I officially dub this blonde prissy boi… TRIGGA LIPS!

But by then, Bonnie had already taken Trigga Lips down to the canvas and begun smashing his face into oblivion with rapid elbow strikes and then rolls him over, BLASTING him in the back of the head with another forearm and then locking in a Fujiwara armbar!

Dick Wuzzy: Damn! This blonde bimbo dude ain’t putting up much of a fight.

Bonnie wrenches back and just as Trigga Lips is about to tap out, she releases the hold and pulls him up, whipping him hard into the nearest corner. He hits hard, stumbling back toward her dazed and confused while still seemingly trying to yell insults.

Trigga Lips: Yer stoopid! I’m da boss!

Bonnie kicks this raging window licker in his gut and hits a big stunner. Bonnie heads to the ropes and gets to the apron waiting for Trigga Lips to stand, which takes A WHILE. She’s patient, and eventually he remembers what direction is up, and he stands…


Dick Wuzzy: Daaamn! She just KILLED that creep with her patented springboard bulldog!

Tony Bologna: He got spiked the wrong way on that one! He landed right on his head because apparently he tried to jump or something stupid while she was bringing his head down toward the mat.

Dick Wuzzy: What a dumb shit!

Bonnie pulls Trigga Lips up and into a Styles Clash position… and that means she’s about to blast him with her own FOREVER NIGHT!

She rolls over with his arms still tied back by her legs, right into the pinning predicament!




Tony Bologna: She did it! What a whooppin’ she put on that boy!

Dick Wuzzy: I’m still not sure what the fuck that was all about but at least we still got a match, and it was great!

Winner: Bonnie Blue

Trigga Lips is removed from the building and placed into a batting cage where he gets tied up so people can just slap the shit out of him and tell him what they think about him yelling at people with learning disabilities.

Meanwhile, Bonnie Blue is beginning to make her way towards the ramp and escape through the crowd, but instead the lights go out completely yet again.

Tony Bologna: “What the hell is this?!?!? Not again Dick!”

Dick Wuzzy: “The lights went out again. What kind of dark disgusting gimmick can we expect to take place before our very eyes again!”

The lights come back on and sure enough, it’s Morbid Angel and Isabella Ravenwolf using some dark magic to hold down Bonnie Blue in what appears to be another form of humiliating torture. The only difference is that Morbid seems to be using some type of magic this time and Isabella is the one hovering over Bonnie about to perform the dastardly deed that Morbid attempted on Peter earlier in the show. Isabella backs away and waves in her Matron of the house, Asher.

Tony Bologna: “Isabella is a dignified woman, Dick! She’s got slaves to do her dirty work for her.”

Dick Wuzzy: “Dirty work is indeed the proper term to use here…”

Asher stands over Bonnie Blue and drops her panties looking somewhat confused but lives to serve for her master Isabella Ravenwolf.

Tony Bologna: “She’s going to taint paint directly on her face! SOMEONE PUT A STOP TO THIS!”

From under the ring Oliver Last appears and she kicks Morbid in the balls from behind sending him down like a sack of 666 potatoes. The curse is lifted briefly and this gives Bonnie enough time to break free and attack Asher by cunt punting that bitch. Isabella escapes before Bonnie can go after her. Bonnie turns her attention to Morbid Angel who just stuck himself in his dick with his steroids to numb the pain and to amp himself up to fight Oliver Last who was coming right at him.

Suddenly, a piece of scaffolding comes flying from off the ceiling.

Dick Wuzzy: “That almost hit Oliver!”

Oliver Last leaps away from the scaffolding that barely missed him by mere inches! Unfortunately this piece of scaffolding has cut off his path to attacking Morbid and assisting Bonnie Blue. Leaving Bonnie to fight a roided out monster and fend for herself.

Tony Bologna: “The sky is falling Dick! The sky is falling!”

Dick Wuzzy: “I don’t think it’s a sign from GOD!, Tony. I think that was deliberate! Where did that come from?! Who did that?!?”

The scene cuts to commercials as Morbid Angel and Bonnie Blue lock up in the center of the ring with a piece of scaffolding collapsed in the center.



Jon Taffer and Jim Cornette are hovering over SHain’s shoulder who is seen scribbling frantically on a piece of paper. They literally are taking turns screaming alternating from the right ear to the left back and forth and back and forth. SHain can’t lean away from one man screaming without the other bursting HOGM’s eardrums back to hell.

Jim Cornette: “This guy can’t even book a card, Jon! This is absolutely pathetic! WHY ARE THERE SO MANY JAPANESE SCHOOLGIRL MATCHES!”

Jon grabs the paper out of SHain’s hand and tears it up to pieces.

Jon Taffer: “WRONG! AGAIN!”

SHain pulls out another piece of paper and starts scribbling even more frantically. HOGM is howling like a banshee.


Jon grabs the paper out of SHain’s hand again and sends it through a shredder machine directly behind him. It’s not going fast enough to Taffer’s liking so he kicks it viciously breaking it instantaneously and a stream of smoke starts lifting in the air emancipating from the now broken paper shredder!

Jon Taffer: “WRONG! AGAIN!”

The scene fades into our next match with Taffer constantly tearing up SHain’s card booking papers and forcing him to start over again and again and again.



Chris Chaos

Singles Match: One of the biggest names in the industry, and easily one of the top five Universal Champions of all time, CHRIS CHAOS has been signed to take on none other than SHain KarvHOGMblo in a clean, traditional 1-on-1 bout as a part of GM Jon Taffer's "stress test". Can SHain, even as a retarded drunk owner who is obsessed with scat, stay within the rules and make Chris Chaos feel welcome in this environment? Or will SHain LOSE his shit all over Chaos? Jon Taffer will be monitoring (lurking) closely for this one and he expects SHain to present himself as a professional!

Paul Heyman is dressed in a nice suit to accompany SHain, who comes out with rotting animal flesh draped over her shoulders and wrapped around her waist. Her rotting, insect ridden, wormy head is fully exposed. Smoke seems to be emanating from her eye sockets and mouth hole. Paul Heyman stares at her... ... ... And then she transitions right into some energetic thrusting and awkward as fuck gyrations, just spazzing out like she's trying to pop a blood vessel. The smokey air and flashing strobe lights make SHain's movements look a lot less inappropriate than they would under typical conditions. While approaching the ring, most of the rotted flaps and bloody slabs end up falling to the floor and being left behind, but there's always one that makes it all the way to the ring... and it stinks to high heaven! Once in the ring, she screams like a banshee and tugs away at the ring ropes, trying to snap them...? Fans look on, confused and clearly displeased that they paid to see this sick ass freak. To make matters worse, Paul Heyman is yelling at them that they can boo all they want but they'll always come back to see their HOGM of the Table!

Dick Wuzzy: And we all know he’s right, isn’t he? Wink wink!

SHain exits back out to ringside and slaps Paul Heyman right in his fat face not once but thrice.

Heyman (nervous as fuck): Wuhaohh th-thank you sir.

SHain approaches the front row and starts talking with some fans, just shooting the shit like he likes to do. He autographs a baby’s forehead and offers a souvenir XWF handkerchief to an old man that’s wearing a “Here 4 Scatbear” t-shirt.

SHain looks in the ring and sees that nothing is going on, so he checks his schedule and realizes it’s time for his match against former Universal Champion, Chris Chaos! SHain grabs a mic and enters the ring…

SHain: Alright Chris! It’s TIME! I told you I want you to walk out to my ring and job the fuck out to me right here in front of all these people, and I want you to make me look GOOD while you do it, bitch!

Some commotion in the crowd is happening as fans turn and notice Chris Chaos making his way from the other side of the arena through the fans!

Dick Wuzzy: That little sneak is sneaking in behind SHain!

Tony Bologna: Maybe he doesn’t want to just come out here and “job the fuck out” every week, Dick.

SHain is far into his bullshitting routine, and he’s to the part where now he’s trying to make Chris feel better about himself.

SHain: But remember Chris you did really really really REEEEALLY good this time, bud! I mean you came THIS close but it turned out that this weirdo made up bullshit came into play and just HAPPENED to cost you. It’s like, SUPER rare that it happens but it happened to ya, buckeroo! Now get the FUCK out here and you job like you’ve never jobbed before in your miserable little life, you flaming goddamn FAGGOT!

Dick Wuzzy: OH! Sheesh!

Tony Bologna: I can’t believe he’d use that language on our broadcast, Dick. My god this is going to be our undoing.

Chris Chaos slides into the ring behind SHain, who is about at the part of his wannabe puppeteer routine where he starts explaining how the match should end.

SHain: And remember Chris, I want to look DAMN GOOD here tonight and in the end I want to nail you with that six shot shimmy shuck shitplex I told you about. Remember? Basically I spear you, toss your ugly ass in the air… like HIGH in the air… then dragon punch city, uppercutting your ass even higher! Then PLACKAAAOOOWWWW it’s going to be time for that tombstone off the top rope into a SHIT CLOGGED TOILET!

Everyone seems to love the sound of that ending and suddenly the bell rings…


SHain: Wait what?

SHain looks at the ref with the mother of all WTF looks on his HOGM face. Then he sees Chaos but it’s too late!


Chaos nails SHain with a running dropkick that sends him flying back into the corner and the mic goes soaring far, far away before we hear a loud CLUNKTHUD wherever it landed!

Chaos rushes in, shoving SHain hard against the corner and laying into him with a hard chop before climbing up and delivering a series of closed fists as the fans start to count along…










Dick Wuzzy: Oh shit he’s winding up big for this one!


Indeed, SHain’s HOGM (Head Of Gilmour’s Mother) um.. Head? Went tumbling down to ringside as Chaos backs up mouthing “what the fuck” to himself and looking down at his own hand, almost in fear or awe..?

Dick Wuzzy: It’s not you, Chris. His fucking head just comes off sometimes. Didn’t you notice something looked a little funny about his decrepit, worm infested, smelly, leathery old hag head?

Tony Bologna: I guess he thought that was just SHain’s new hair cut!

HOGM goes rolling around at ringside in a daze, with an ungodly amount of dark liquids forming under her. She begins to foam at the mouth, and a terrible odor fills the air.

Tony Bologna: Ugh…

Dick Wuzzy: Bro what the fuck. Seriously.

Meanwhile in the ring, SHain’s body is swinging for the fences! Lefts and rights, boom boom boom, except those booms were his heavy feet as he blindly lumbered around flat footed and uncoordinated.

(high pitched, crackling, old woman’s voice): “Hey sonny, wanna taste my fresh baked pumpkin secret spice piiiie?”

Tony Bologna: Oh god. OH GOD! It’s talking!

Dick Wuzzy: Well yeah dumb ass, heads usually do that. Still nasty as fuck though.

HOGM: C’mere Chrissy poo! Momma Gilly wants a big, bad, KISS!

Dick Wuzzy: AHHHhhh… oh jesus! Run Chris, RUN! It’s not worth it!

Chris looks around, panicked. HOGM begins to float. She levitates upward, penetrating the ring’s threshold through the middle and top ropes. Her broken ass teeth are chomping and there’s so… much… fluid. So much just pouring down out of her. It sounds like a faucet is running and water’s hitting the mat.

Tony Bologna: For the love of God, Chris… just go! Go do your jobs at the other dump! At least they’ll give you boring ass matches to be in and lose quickly!

Chris grits his teeth, looking back and forth nervously before saying fuck it and heading toward the ropes to exit the ring!

Dick Wuzzy: Thank god. Live to job another day.

But wait! Just as HOGM was reattaching herself to SHain’s body, Chris turned back around with a fire in his eyes…

Just as SHain finishes “screwing(?)” HOGM on tightly, he’s caught with a devastating spear from Chris Chaos!!!

Thud… bump bump bump… The sound of HOGM hitting the canvas and bouncing away again.

Chris yells: “Joke’s on you!”

He hooks the leg of headless SHain!




Tony Bologna: By gawd he did it, Dick! A huge debut for the one and only Chris Chaos!

Dick Wuzzy: Uhhh, why the fuck is he pulling his own face off now?

And just then, Chris Chaos ripped his face off. It was a Chris Chaos mask, and under it is just Chris Chaos’ face again. Chris just laughs and gives the camera two middle fingers.

Dick Wuzzy: Who the fuck disguises themselves as themself?

Tony Bologna: Must be someone playing some PRET-TY strange mind games here somewhere, Dick. I wonder what it could mean. Winner: Chris Chaos


Our next scene opens up to a familiar setting as it is obviously in the kitchen, where if we remember from last Frenzy was a place where Taffer threw one of his biggest tantrums on our last episode. A familiar face peeks over the counter, except this time Scatbear is in fact, fully clothed and wearing some type of uniform?

For clarification purposes we need to differentiate between this Scatbear and the Super Scatbear we saw in the opening match. This one is the original, and everyone loves talking about him and his legacy of scat.

Scatbear is the only concession stand worker in the entire arena, and it looks like he is incredibly overwhelmed as it appears that Taffer is putting his skills through a stress test, that is evidently something far more rigorous and difficult then any stress test he has given in the past.

Instead of just burning Tostino’s pizzas on a George Foreman Grill and popping the tabs off of PBR beer cans. Taffer has him flipping burgers, cooking steaks, working the fryer, and pouring high quality local craft beers in fancy snifter mugs for all the liberal hippie neckbeard havin’ beer snob faggots of this world. Clearly Scatbear can’t keep up and the entire concession stand is falling apart and failing miserably. He places a martini glass on top of the bartop and starts free pouring vodka into the metal tin. Taffer is watching him directly over his shoulder like a fucking hawk.

Jon Taffer: “WRONG! AGAIN!”

Taffer tosses the entire martini glass into a plastic bin surrounded by a slew of shattered glass as evidence of other previous ‘mistakes’ that Scatbear had been making. Scatbear repeats the process and yet again, Taffer immediately grabs the martini glass and shatters it into the corner with the rest of the shards.


Jon Taffer: “WRONG! AGAIN!”

Scatbear starts scrambling by reaching underneath the bar, but to his regretful demise he is unable to fulfill Jon’s demands and his face sulkens down into a frown.

Scatbear: “No more glasses!”

Taffer spins around fast as fuck and points a finger in SHain’s HOGM face.

Jon Taffer: “Now he’s out of glasses!! Why haven’t you set him up for success, SHain!?”

SHain is looking rather disheveled after his match with Chris Chaos just moments ago, but luckily he’s got his HOGM on straight.

SHain: “I just think that maybe he’s a little overwhelmed with all this new menu and shit. Maybe you’re being too aggressive with him. I mean, usually it’s just shove shit into a condom and serve, ya know!?”

Jon Taffer: “Oh, so now you’re blaming ME for your own failures!”

SHain: “Well, you did implement all these gay ass changes.”

Jon Taffer: “Did you know that if you serve food in your bar your guests are likely to stay forty three minutes longer and order another round of drinks? Alcohol makes people hungry SHain, and they need to eat something better than what they can buy from Habib at the fucking 7-11! That’s called repeat business, don't you get it!?! I told you we need to eliminate the deadweight around here..”

SHain: “Scatbear is a longtime trusted employee of the XWF and a fan favorite to EVERYONE!! ”

Jon Taffer: “And he’s robbing you blind, SHain!! Come with me, and bring your little friend with you. You’re not going to be too happy when I show you what this shitty little thief has been stealing from right underneath your own asshole.”

The three of them start making their way towards the bathrooms as the scene cuts to our next match in the center of the ring.




"Radical" Gabe Reno

Singles Match: A match that to some, has that "worlds colliding" feel to it. These two men are two of the most talked about names in XWF history but both for very different reasons and different eras, yet similar enough that their paths took them both above the crust and shit of the former XWF and have allowed them to meet for what could be the match of the decade in the one place they'll both be guaranteed a fair shake!

Referee Shadrack Hickentoppem shotguns a beer, belches, tosses the can, and says FUCK THIS SHIT! He signals for the bell, looking angry as fuck at nothing at all.


Gabe Reno and Maddy walk toward the center of the ring for the staredown. Maddy can’t help but chuckle and smirk just a bit, cocking his head as he says

Maddy: Tell me more about this “John Madison” character you were talking about in your promo, shit head?

Maddy shoves Gabe hard!

Dick Wuzzy: Oooooooh…

Tony Bologna: Reno doesn’t look happy here!

Maddy puts his chin out and shows his teeth with a sinister sneer, just begging for it. Reno fakes a left and blasts Maddy in the gut with a hard kick. Maddy hunches over and Reno pulls him in for a possible piledriver attempt but Maddy powers out with a back body drop and quickly spins around to catch Reno in the side of the head with a hard kick before he can get back up. The thud echoes through the arena.

Dick Wuzzy: Dayumn!

Maddy grabs Reno’s head, pulling him up and contorting him right into a dirty looking sleeper hold, just yanking and wrenching on the neck and head looking like he wants to pop it off.

Tony Bologna: Oh wow, thank god he’s not in there with SHain.

Dick Wuzzy spits his beverage out and laughs his ass off.

Maddy keeps basically trying to fling Reno’s whole body around, or so it would seem with all that torque and momentum he’s got going just ragdolling the man like crazy. Now he’s got him swinging around in a circle. Finally Reno shifts his weight and lifts his heel up behind him, right into Maddy’s groin! He breaks the hold!

Dick Wuzzy: OHHHH! Right in the fuckin’ BAWLS bro!

Reno catches Maddy with a hard spinning back fist on his way around to facing him, followed by an immediate kick to the side of the leg and a forearm to the face that sends Maddy back. Reno leaps forward and lands another blow to Maddy, sending him careening into the ropes where Reno rollows up with a charging clothesline, taking Maddy over the top and sending him to the outside!

Tony Bologna: What a flurry from Gabe Reno! Maddy’s all out of sorts now. I don’t even think he knows where he is.

Maddy hit his head hard on the way down and now he’s looking pretty confused. Gabe Reno uses this opportunity to run to the far ropes, picking up momentum as he comes back around toward Maddy’s direction and he leaps through the ropes!

Dick Wuzzy: SHITTTT!!!!!

Maddy moved!

And pulled a cameraman into his place instead!!


The big ass camera ends up catching Reno right in the eye socket and the momentum of going head first into it instantly knocks him out cold.

Maddy paces around, clearing his head as he cracks his neck. He circles the area where Reno is down and decides to look under the ring for something.

Tony Bologna: What’s he looking for under there?!

And that’s when Maddy finds… HIS PINK GLOCK!!!!!!

Dick Wuzzy: Wooooah fuck! Watch yourself Tony!

Tony Bologna: No shit, Dick!

Maddy starts to aim the glock right down at Reno’s unconscious body. He kneels right down over Reno and just gently places the barrel right against the middle of his forehead.

Dick Wuzzy: He’s going to blow a hole right through his third eye!

Maddy looks at Reno and asks, “where’s John?”

Tony Bologna: Boy he’s not letting that one go, eh?

Maddy glares at Reno with a hate in his eyes that’s so pure it could fertilize the deserts of a thousand barren moons.

He presses the glock against Reno’s forehead… hard.


Dick Wuzzy: No!


Maddy (angrily mumbling): Mother fucker I forgot I was popping rounds off at all the dumb (inaudible)s earlier.

Maddy shrugs and just loads the glock with some bullets he had on his person. Instead of shooting Reno, though, he just beats and beats and beats and BEATS the handle of his pink glock down into Reno’s face, rolls him into the ring, and covers him with the “I’m leaning back comfortably on this big pillow” pose, even though he still looks pissed off in the face...




Winner: Maddy

Maddy is going from ring post to ring post celebrating his victory by putting his hands up in the air on purpose so that with his short sleeved shirt he can reveal and show off his swastika tattoo on his shoulder doing his closest Stone Cold Steve Austin impersonation. He gets to the top of one of the posts and then suddenly the lights go out again.

Tony Bologna: “Here we go again, Dick!”

Dick Wuzzy: “I’m not even really phased by it at this point.”

Neither is the rest of the crowd until Maddy fires a bullet in the air and the entire crowd starts to scatter like a stampede screaming like a pack of pregnant women whose water all just broke at the same time. The lights come back on and Maddy is being held down in the center of the ring by both the powers of Isabella Ravenwolf and Morbid Angel combined. It takes two forms of black magic to hold down that crazy inebriated lunatic.

Maddy: “Get your little vampire voodoo pussy lips over here Isabella and let me give them a great big kiss!”

Maddy licks his lips and spits blood all over himself when all of a sudden….

Tony Bologna: “It can’t be!”

Dick Wuzzy: “I thought he was dead!”

Tony Bologna: “I think SHain brought him back from the grave for the 666th time!!!”

From out behind the curtain on the rampway comes the XWF legend, UNKNOWN SOLDIER!!!! His eyes are bloodshot red and his pupils are the size of golf balls. He’s sucking off the end of some crack pipe and looks more anemic and skinny and zombie like than he ever did before.

Tony Bologna: “Unknown Soldier is here! Another XWF legend making his way onto the Forever Squad!”


Dick Wuzzy: “Long time SHain loyalist isn’t any real surprise here, Tony?”

Tony Bologna: “Looks like he just caught wind of his prey tied up in the center of the ring.”

Unknown Soldier rushes down to the ring and slides up right next to maddy and starts licking the blood that Maddy just spit all over his own chest.

Maddy: “Fuckin’ freak.”

Soldier steps up to his feet and pulls a microphone out of his pants that he was using as a bulge to make his manhood look bigger.

Unknown Soldier: “You’re one to talk bub, do you have any idea why I singled you out to attack you here tonight.”

Maddy: “Because you’re madly in love with me?”

Unknown Soldier: “Exactly! You see I’ve been watching you closely Maddy, some might say I’m stalking you even and lurking you up and down like someone looking for some more cannon fodder. What I’ve discovered with all your time you spend hanging out with Duke lately and whatnot that I think it’s safe to say that you’re the biggest fucking FAGGOT in the history of this federation!”

The crowd lets out a massive sigh of terror as if Soldier just dropped a nuclear bomb off in the middle of the room.

Unknown Soldier: “Calm down you fucking snowflakes and get used to it. Because you’re looking at the most powerful and deplorable and disgusting group of characters to ever walk the halls of the XWF. Myself, Morbid Angel, and my former girlfriend who I’m currently trying to get another crack at that crack with -- Isabella Ravenwolf. We are the Satanic Sick Fucks and we’re here to keep the scat loving sick levels of depravity in this wrestling federation forever! What are you gonna do XWF, when the Satanic Sick Fucks run a tea bag train all over you!!!

The crowd boos and hisses as Soldier slaps the microphone across his boner which sends an annoying ‘twang’ sound like a door stopper that had just been kicked.

Unknown Soldier: “You see, Maddy, the two of us finally got what we always wanted when SHain said he was going to get out of his scat-scopade and start a new wrestling federation, and on the next episode of Frenzy I’m going to embarrass you and shove your face further into SHain’s scat then you do a Duke in one of your fucking promos!

Unknown Soldier: “You’re an asshole, Maddy! And just like Jon Taffer showed you in that clip the only way to fix a wrestling federation is to first fix the asshole! You enjoy degrading Duke, huh ya’ fucking asshole? Well now I degrade you!!!”

Unknown Soldier takes off his pants and starts waving his balls over Maddy’s face. Just inches away as Maddy starts trying to bite at them like a rabid dog with rabies.

Tony Bologna: “Who’s going to save Maddy!”

Dick Wuzzy: “Surely when the Satanic Sick Fucks came out earlier and attempted this silly teabagging stuff they were stopped! Who will come to save Maddy!”

Soldier starts lowering his balls closer to Maddy’s face just millimeters away!

Tony Bologna: “I don’t think Maddy has any friends Dick, I don’t think anyone is going to come!”

Soldier dips his balls in Maddys face and Maddy bites down hard, but Soldier just smiles in love of the pain as the entire crowd looks away in shock and horror and the camera quickly cuts away before anymore insanity from the Satanic Sick Fucks can continue.


The scene begins to fade into our three members of our previous segment as they were marching into the bathroom earlier in the show. It looks as if the bathrooms have been cleaned and are sparkling off the bright fluorescent lights beaming down on the porcelain thrones and the newly installed marble tiles. Taffer has already worked his magic inside the XWF restrooms.

The two and a half men (Taffer, Scatbear, and SHain / HOGM) walk into the restroom as an endless laugh track starts going off. Not sure why that’s necessary, this isn’t that horrible sitcom that thought it could replace Charlie Sheen with Ashton Kutcher! We don’t need any laugh tracks since our show is nothing but a steady slew of dick and scat jokes! The funniest goddamn thing on the face of the planet so we just assume our viewers are high on PCP, LSD, and Meth all at the same time!

Jon Taffer: “Stop that infernal racket! I’ve got life lessons to hand down here!”

The laugh track continues and Taffer gets visibly upset as his requests are not met as he balls up his fists so tight that the whites of his knuckles are bulging. He then raises his voice so loud that a sound of thunder echoes over the horizon as if he were the fuckin’ greek GOD! Zeus or some shit!

Jon Taffer: “I’M SPEAKING!!!! I’M SPEAKING!!!!!”

The shrill of his voice shatters all the mirrors in the bathroom and a devastating boom blows up the speakers that were protruding the sound of the laugh track from continuing any further.

Jon Taffer: “That’s better, now look around you guys. Isn’t it FINALLY clean? Look at what I’ve done so now a woman can feel comfortable dropping a deuce so she can drop a few pounds before she goes out to watch a Peter Gilmour match! Like I said SHain, you gotta cater to the ladies or your wrestling federation is destined to fail from the start.”

SHain: “Yes, in order to get more DICK around here we have to get the ladies in here first before they’ll come.”

Jon Taffer: “Yes, but now let’s get straight to the point and the reason I brought you in here to begin with.”

SHain: “I’m always in here, this is my office.”

Jon Taffer: “You see, that’s why I brought you in here because it’s time to admit you’ve got a problem. Nobody has an office in a bathroom except for you, SHain. You’re addicted to hoarding scat. You know it! I know it! We all know it!”

Taffer points in the corner of the bathroom where one of his stooges that he sends in to yell at cooks and bartenders; because those people are beneath him and he only has time to yell at the owners, is seen scraping the scat out of some condom that was completely filled to the brim with the shitty substance. He’s weighing it on what has to be the most expensive and high tech piece of weighing equipment money can buy. All types of gizmos, gadgets, and radar make this scale look like something out of the future.

Jon Taffer: “I want you to meet, SCAT TENDER! This high tech piece of equipment weighs and measures the quality of any piece of scat and we’ve scraped out all the condoms during one of Scatbears shifts here the other night?!

He turns to look at Scatbear who is looking rather guilty if I must say so myself.

Jon Taffer: “Did you work here during the last episode of Friday Night Frenzy?”

He sort of looks away and starts dry-milking his earlobe, the typical moves of a tell tale guilty person.

ScatBear: “Yeah, well, I’m the only person who works here.”

Jon Taffer: “SHain, let me just show you these numbers. Last Frenzy, we weighed these condoms before AND after the show, and I think you’ll be incredibly shocked when you find what we have discovered! Scatbear has been stealing 666 tons of scat from you per episode of FRENZY!!!!!”

SHain: “Say it isn’t so!”

Jon Taffer: “So tell me now, what are you going to do about it, SHain!?! Is this a business or a charity!?! Take control of your business. You fire someone, NOW!”

SHain: “I can’t fire Scatbear!! He’s been an employee for almost a decade!! EVERYBODY LOVES SCATBEAR!!!”

Jon Taffer: “He’s a thief SHain, and we caught him brown handed with his elbows deep in shit. Quite figuratively and unfortunately in this scenario literally as well!! It’s time for an ultimatum SHain!! Do you want to play with scat or do you want to run a wrestling federation!! Don’t disappoint me like that fucking pirate bar I rescued that one time!”

SHain begins shaking profusely and sweating like a whore in church. His HOGM snaps back and forth between locking eyes with Taffer and then Scatbear as she’s torn to make a decision.

What will SHain do?



But that’s when it happens.


Oh god it’s the scatbrow of wisdom! It’s SUPER SCATBEAR!

And he’s armed!

Super Scatbear: Stick em up, SHain. You too, Jon.

Jon Taffer: What the hell is this?

SHain: Put the gun down, Super Scatbear. It’s not worth it.

Super Scatbear: I’m not gonna stand idly by and let you destroy my brother’s life.

SHain: You’re BROTHERS?!?!?!?!?!?

Super Scatbear: Of course we are. Why do you think we both have the same last name?

SHain and Taffer look at each other.

Super Scatbear: Now what I’m gonna need here is for you both to strip naked and lay down on this tarp I have laid out over here real neat.

He finishes smoothing out the corner of the tarp with his foot and directs SHain and Taffer onto it. SHain leans in and whispers to Taffer…

SHain: What would you do here, Mr. Expert?

Jon Taffer holds up the Scat Tender app and shows it to Super Scatbear.

Taffer: How would you like to own a lifetime subscription to Scat Tender?

Super Scatbear: Is that the app that keeps track of all the scat measurements and profits? Is it the farm friendly version?

Taffer: Why yes, it is.

Super Scatbear: Hmmmmmmmm that’s mighty tempting.

Scatbear looks nervously at Super Scatbear and starts to shake his head no.

Taffer: Just think of how much good this app could do for your farms, Super Scatbear. All you need to do is let us do our job and it’s yours.

Super Scatbear: I could just kill you and take it.

Taffer: You wouldn’t get the lifetime subscription then. I’d have to approve it.

Super Scatbear: Shit. Alright fine gimme it.

Super Scatbear shoves his weapon down the front of his jogging pants and takes the Scat Tender app from Taffer. He taps a few items on the screen and nods his approval. He looks at his brother Scatbear and just shrugs.

Super Scatbear: Hey man, I’m a businessman. Good luck.

Scatbear looks worried, possibly ready to shit himself as Super Scatbear walks off with his new lifetime Scat Tender app membership, whistling a happy tune.

Taffer: Where were we, SHain? I think you know what you need to do.

SHain shakes his HOGM in dismay and lets out a looooong siiiiiigh.

SHain: I hate to say it but you’re costing me scat and that means you’re costing me money. We talked about this in back in the 90s and it’s still going on?

Scatbear: No?

SHain: No? Are you answering or taking a guess?

Scatbear is shaking. He shits himself.

Taffer moves in and intervenes.

Taffer: Hold on SHain this guy is shaking and he’s scared for his life. I need you to just get right to it and not make him feel bullied or threatened. And for the love of god if you already know he has a learning disability and you’ve made fun of him for it with other people, don’t corner the poor guy and relentlessly bash him.

SHain: I didn’t.

Taffer: I know but I can see where it could have been heading if I didn’t step in. You were about to insult his intelligence.

SHain: I’m not a narcissistic, pansy boy gimp that’s obsessed with wearing pink thongs for shirts, and I don’t need to bully the less fortunate to make myself feel big.

Taffer: Fair enough, SHain. Go ahead.

SHain turns back toward Scatbear and rests a loving hand on his trembling shoulder. He looks deep into his brown eyes.

SHain: You’ve got to go back to the other place now, bub.

Scatbear: But they dunn like to me there. I’ll have it to be sneaked in before I reveal all my scat to show. I don’t wanna be hid the world again. Free.

SHain: You’ll just have to find a way. Or at least just pretend not to be here, or something.

Taffer: I can hear you.

SHain: Oh shit. Ok Scatbear?

SHain hesitates…

Taffer: DO IT, or I won’t rescue your fucking circus act here and I’ll leave right now!

SHain: Uuuuuugh… dammit. You’re fired, Scatbear! Now nothing you do is my responsibility anymore, no matter where you do it or who you do it to. You just can’t be here, costing me scat and bucks every week.

Scatbear is already on the floor and the scene has gotten rather messy, rather quickly. His bodily functions are out of control.

Taffer: Well there’s one good thing out of this. At least there was already a tarp on the floor.

SHain laughs as the two of them walk away to leave Scatbear in his shitty misery.




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Posts: 48

 [24/7 Frenzy Championship]


- vs -


Frenzy Title Match: No rules, even in death! Scully had the nerve to confront The PROPHET! after the main event of Frenzy, but will his balls be big enough to take the title? It's former Universal Champion Scully in our main event, because we put guys in main events when they earn them. (To the individuals repeatedly contacting us and calling themselves "Brick Squad", no, you can't come in and steal Scully's spot again.) Tony Bologna: “Hold onto your first name Mr. Wuzzy, because it’s finally time for the Main Event!”

Dick Wuzzy: “The most anticipated match of the night pits Frenzy Champion The PROPHET! against the former Universal champion Scully.”

Tony Bologna: “The one we’ve all been waiting for as the fans are at the edge of their seats in utter fascination. They’ve endured a lot of shit here tonight, and it looks like it’s finally going to pay off as we have a tremendous match up here in just our second episode of Friday Night Frenzy!”

Dick Wuzzy: The PROPHET! Has been a formidable force since entering the XWF, and it would be quite an accomplishment if The Prophecy can walk out of here tonight with TWO big victories.”

‘Betrayal of the Mind’ by Raven Age blares over the loudspeakers.

Tony Bologna: But The PROPHET!, will indeed have a much higher mountain to climb then Peter tonight, whom failed to defeat the man walking down to the ring at this very moment, The Scull Meister!”

The crowd boos as Scully appears from at the top of the ramp entrance. A large smirk across his face.

Dick Wuzzy: “What’s that son of a bitch smiling for! He attacked a woman last episode of Frenzy!”

Tony Bologna: “Peter protecting his woman may have cost him the last episode of Frenzy, but I don’t think Scully really gives a damn, he’ll take the win however he can get them.”

Scully struts his way down to the ring making the ‘Look at Me’ taunt all the way down the ramp.

Dick Wuzzy: “Is Scully drunk?”

Tony Bologna: “Doesn’t matter, he can beat this monkey boy with one hand tied behind his back.

Scully sulks into the corner looking like he doesn’t give a shit at all about the crowd booing him profusely. His music cuts as he wipes a small bead of sweat off the bottom of his chin while awaiting his opponents arrival.

Dick Wuzzy: “Here comes the champ!”

Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven plays over the loud speakers and from at the top of the ramp, riding on top of a giant cross that is behind held up by Jesus Christ and Muhammad. The Frenzy Champion himself, The PROPHET!

Tony Bologna: “He looks confident tonight, as he always does.”

Dick Wuzzy: “And why shouldn’t he Tony! He’s done nothing but defeat former XWF Legends like SHain Carver and Gabe Reno, what makes you think someone like Scully will be any different tonight, Tony!”

Jesus Christ and Muhammad slowly carry the cross down the ramp and towards the side of the ring. All the while, The PROPHET! Is seen surfing on top of the wooden cross and bowing to a crowd who for some reason love him tonight.

Tony Bologna: “I don’t know if they love him, Dick, so much as they just hate Scully.”

Dick Wuzzy: “Fair point, Tony!”

The PROPHET! Is directing the crowd who isn’t reciprocating by acting like a maestro conducting the old time piano classic written by one of the greatest musicians in history. Slowly making his way down to the ring taking his sweet time and this is clearly upsetting Scully who eventually has had enough of the delay and leaps up from out of his corner and rushes across the ring.

Flinging himself over the ropes and landing on top of the cross and knocking over the entire crowd of slaves carrying their sultan to the ring. Muhammad is pinned underneath the cross and can’t get up, so Scully goes after the champion to try and put this thing away quickly! Scully goes after The PROPHET!, but is instead attacked from behind by Jesus Christ with a dropkick to the back of the head.


Dick Wuzzy: “And this no rules anything goes match is underway and already it looks like The PROPHET! Is going to have the upper hand as his goon squad is going to team up on Scully and pound him into oblivion.”

Tony Bologna: “As cowardly as it may seem, it is effective Dick!”

Jesus Christ tries to pull Scully up by his hair, but is instead met with a chop across his chest, followed by a few more chops before Scully sends him underneath the ropes and rolls him into the ring. Scully follows by rolling himself under the ring and then pulls Jesus Christ up to his feet and then locks up with Jesus. They keep pushing one another back and forth and trying to get the upper hand. Scully kicks Jesus in the gut and then performs a devastating Angle Slam that vibrates Jesus’ head off the mat.

Dick Wuzzy: “Big message sent right there from Scully! Dont mess with me or I’ll fuck you up!”

Jesus is slowly rising to his feet and ducks a punch from Scully and then flips around and performs a spinning heel kick that lands in Scullys gut, forcing him to kneel over. Jesus runs against the ropes and flings himself on top of Scully with a frog splash knocking both men off their feet. Both are struggling to get back up as PROPHET!, still continues to play maestro to a crowd of people who can’t even hear any of the music. Conducting a choir of singers that only appear to be in his own head!

Tony Bologna: “Is this guy as deaf as Beethoven!? Now’s his chance with Scully down and he’s squandering it!”

Dick Wuzzy: “Regardless in the ring where it matters right now, Jesus is beginning to climb the turnbuckle. He appears to be attempting some type of flying elbow drop here. Scully was anticipating this and leaps up from his downed position and catches Jesus in mid air and uses his leverage and speed of Jesus downward travels positions him around him and lands a vicious spinning neckbreaker!”

Tony Bologna: “Holy shit!”

The crowd agrees by beginning the HO-LY SHIT chant!

Scully begins to come to his feet first as it appears Jesus Christ is still down and probably knocked out cold.

Tony Bologna: “Jesus is seeing stars, and not the kind that will guide him to Bethlaham!”

Scully hits Jesus with a series of leg drops until….


The arab had been clawing his way to freedom and wiggled himself away from underneath the wooden cross and in just the nick of time to save Jesus from a vicious Scully beating!

Tony Bologna: “Muhammad saves Jesus, gotta say Dick I never saw that one coming!”

Muhammad places Scully in a full nelson and eventually starts putting him to sleep. But the crowd begins to boo Scully heavily, and in some kind of reverse Hulkomaniac play off the crowd fashion he gains some type of super strength and then pokes Muhammad in the eye, but Muhammad was ready for it and grabs Scully from around the neck and choke slams him down in the center of the ring. The PROPHET!, who I guess was finally done playing maestro for the crowd, decides to toss a bull whip to Muhammad, who gets a viscious shit eating grin over his face beneath his turbin.

Dick Wuzzy: “Anything goes, Tony, this doesn’t look good for Scully!”

Muhammad winds up the bull whip and smashes it across Scullys back with a loud CRACK!, that echoes throughout the entire arena and almost sounds like bits of skin are coming off the whip when it makes contact with Scully’s back.

Tony Bologna: I felt that one from here, Dick!”

He says as Muhammad smashes the whip across Scully’s back once again. Scully winces in pain, but he sees the pattern Muhammad is doing, and the next time he tries to strike him with the whip he reaches out and grabs it, and then yanks on the whip pulling Muhammad in close to him. He grabs Muhammad and flips forces him down to the mat with a side slam, knocking the bull whip out of Muhammad’s hands and rolls out of the ring.

The two men get up at the same time and then fling themselves off the ropes. They both duck underneath a clothesline from the other person and fling themselves off the ropes again. This time a clothesline from Muhammad connects and Scully goes down, he gets back up and is met with a knee to the gut, giving Muhammad just the right amount of time with his brute strength to flip Scully up over his head and POWERBOMB him onto the mat!!!

Dick Wuzzy: “Here comes PROPET!, now to come in and steal all the glory!”

The PROPHET!, rolls himself under the ring ropes quickly and rolls himself on top of Scully to make the pin. The referee counts!



KICKOUT by Scully!

And Scully wastes no time as he finally has The PROPHET!, right where he wants him and where he can not escape. Jesus Christ comes flying at Scully attempting a moonsault. Scully merely just has to move out of the way and Jesus lands flat on his face, far away from any threat to actually hitting and harming Scully. The Scull meister wipes some blood off from under his lip and smirks at Jesus feeble attempt to attack him. He still has a hold on PROPHET!, by his robe as the coward is trying to escape and let his minions continue to do the dirty work. Scully sees Muhammad making his way towards him about to attempt a spear. Scully moves and Muhammad crashes into the turnbuckle knocking himself out.

Tony Bologna: “Ah yes, the old Braun Strowman kryptonite move, let the big bastard kill himself with his own momentum by running his head into the turnbuckle. I guess it isn’t just Goldberg that can knock himself out by spearing his forehead directly into a turnbuckle.”

Dick Wuzzy: “Now it’s just the two of them! Scully has got a chance!!”

The PROPHET!, ducks under a clothesline attempt from Scully and grabs Scully by the head and performs a snap suplex. He then catches Scully as he’s half unconsciously bringing himself back to his own feet and performs a wicked Brainbuster.

Tony Bologna: “Looks like PROPHET!, can handle himself in the ring! I wonder why he had all his goons do all his fighting for him previously in this match!”

Dick Wuzzy: “Isn’t it obvious Tony? He’s conserving energy!”

Tony Bologna: “I see your point, Dick, as it looks like Scully is about to pass out as he is clearly out of shape from his previous XWF run, and PROPHET! Looks like he hasn’t even broken a sweat yet!”

PROPHET!, picks Scully back up again and delivers one of the most vicious powerslams I’ve ever seen in my life and then he covers Scully with a pin..

Dick Wuzzy: “This has got to be it, Tony! Scully looks dead. I don’t think anyone can survive that kind of a powerslam like that, let alone kick out of it.”






Tony Bologna: “Some real sense of resilience shown by the challenger in this main event tonight Dick!”

Dick Wuzzy: “I can’t believe what I just saw, Tony!”

Scully rolls himself under the ring as PROPHET!, is complaining to the referee. Scully grabs a steel chair from underneath the ring apron and as PROPHET!, turns around unsuspectingly after complaining to the referee is met square in the face with a giant THWACK!!, as the steel chair busted open his forehead and blood squirts out gushing everywhere. Muhammad comes after Scully and he is met with a fury of chair shots as well. Jesus Christ attempts another moonsault and this time Scully catches him square in the face while he is in mid air!!!

Tony Bologna: “Just like batting practice, eh Dick!”

Dick Wuzzy: “He’s certainly swatting away all the flies here tonight!”

Scully continues to ravage a barrage of chair shots on top of The PROPHET! In rapid succession over and over and over again. The crowd is begging him to stop and booing him to no ends as Scully must have hit PROPHET!, over thirty times with that chair.

Tony Bologna: “Well, that ought to keep him down so he can’t escape behind and underneath the robes of his minions!”

Scully flips off the crowd and then goes for the cover. The PROPHET!s eyes are rolled up into the back of his head….





Tony Bologna: “Peter Gilmour from out of the crowd here to help his Prophecy brother from losing his title!”

Dick Wuzzy: “He sure does hate Scully!!”

Peter picks Scully up and delivers a vicious Gilly Cutter and then pulls PROPHET!, lifeless body on top of Scully and runs back off in the crowd as if nothing happened… The ref begins making the count…




Tony Bologna: “This isn’t a man, this is a machine Dick!”

Dick Wuzzy: “Scully came here to fight Tony, and it looks like PROPHET! And his gang of disciples are going to have to literally kill him to get him to lose this match!”

Tony Bologna: “That might be their exact intention Dick, as Muhammad and Jesus life up his lifeless body and then toss him over the top ropes over by the wooden cross. The two then pick up the wooden cross and stand it up so it’s making the giant T just over the top of the ring. They start tying up Scully to the large wooden cross as if they were about to crucify him.

That’s right, Jesus tied Scully to a cross despite whatever the book Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John says. The two disciples are holding Scully up in the air from the ring apron area with this large wooden cross dangling him out into the center of the ring so PROPHET!, who was now back on his feet, can pummell him as if he were a punching bag hanging in the air. He probably punches the tied up and defenseless Scully probably fifty times as blood begins pouring down both of Scully's nostrils. The PROPHET!, turns around and starts making his maestro conducting at the crowd again with his back completely turned on Scully.

Tony Bologna: “I don’t know how Scully can get himself out of this one Dick!”

Dick Wuzzy: It’s a goddamn massacre!”

The maestro stuff must be some kind of call to action for his two disciples as theymake their way under the ropes to help PROPHET!, deliver even more damage to Scullys face.

Tony Bologna: “But who will hold the wooden cross up from the ring apron? Won’t it fall over??”

Dick Wuzzy: “Physics would say yes, Tony! It looks like PROPHET!’s disciples skipped school on that day in Geometry class in the eighth grade.”

As the two disciples climb their way into the ring and make their way to their master’s side, the cross begins to sway a bit from trying to hold up Scully’s weight.. The PROPHET!, hears the commotion behind him and turns around to discover THE ENTIRE WOODEN CROSS WAS COMING DOWN COLLAPSING ON TOP OF THE RING!!!

Tony Bologna: “Look out!”

But it was too late -- the wooden cross crashes down on the center of the ring and lands directly on top of PROPHET! AND his two disciples, covering them both underneath Scully who is still tied to the cross.

Dick Wuzzy: “And why not Tony!?! We’ve had scaffolding and scat already come crashing down in this ring tonight. Why not a a mother fucking wooden cross as well!”

Tony Bologna: “But, wait a minute here Dick, it appears that Scully is actually pinning the champion!”

Dick Wuzzy: “Well I’ll be damned, Tony! Would you look at that! It appears perhaps maybe Scully HAS some luck on his side here after all, and these stupid minions of PROPHET!’s might have actually been a detriment to him in this situation!

Scully is still out cold, but a referee makes his way over towards Scully who is in fact pinning The PROPHET!, down by holding him down underneath a giant wooden cross that he was tied too The referee begins making the count…




. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . …..



Dick Wuzzy: “You’re winner, and NEW XWF FRENZY CHAMPION, SCULLY!!!!!”

Tony Bologna: “And I don’t think anyone can doubt that Scully certainly earned this one here tonight, as he had to fight off the entire plethora of The PROPHET!’s goons and Peter Gilmour!”

Dick Wuzzy: “Scully said he was going to put down the Prophecy here tonight for good, and I think that’s exactly what he did here in this match as even Peter Gilmour couldn’t help The PROPHET!, solidify a title defense here tonight.”

Tony Bologna: “We have ourselves a new Frenzy Champion folks, what a night, what a wrestling federation, what the fuck!”

Scully begins to come to his senses a bit as some sexy ladies start untying him from the cross and present him with his new Frenzy championship belt. Scully wraps it around his waist, gives the crowd the ‘suck it’ sign by chopping his hands across his groin area where the title rested around his waist and then begins strutting his way out of the arena.

Tony Bologna: “We hope to see you all next episode of Frenzy and see Scully defend his title, but until next time when all you faggots and niggers tune in that are stalking and lurking us on the daily, we bid you adieu XWF universe!!”

Dick Wuzzy: “What the hell, you can’t say that on live television Tony!! CUT TO THE CREDITS EVERYBODY!!! I SAID CUT TO THE FUCKING CREDITS!!!”

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