By Peter Gilmour, as seen in the RP, "The OMEGA.. and the GOD"

"So to all of you great fans out there, please come see the show. Make this show the best show ever in the NEW XWF. We need your support. I need all my great fans support as well. All my Gilmourholics! I need to chant SUCK MY DICK as loud as you can. Show some love to Valerie Sky as well. Just don't touch her or I'll break your arms off. But come out to support the REAL XWF and show the fake ass XWF why the ain't got a chance in hell of beating us."

"Isabella.. Prodigy.. your sorry asses are going to be taken.. TO THE XTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME!"

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Post Info TOPIC: A greeting from the spaceman


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A greeting from the spaceman

"Well, hello there. It is a delight to meet you all, I have heard fantastic things, not like the last location I wrestled... dreadful, terrible place. However that was the past and this... THIS, is the present and I am here, now. I see my old friend Unknown Soldier, happens to be present and John Madison is here too. Surprised I haven't received a care package of bird seed to be quite frank. I even see Morbid Angel has been lurking about. Bananar Forever! Anyways, I look forward to this new federation and I have high hopes for the future, in my last federation I was the longest reigning singles champion, to date. New folks came along, and I still towered over them, in that role. Lets see how I fare in this federation. I look forward to the challenge. Please. Be a challenge."

-- Edited by Azrael Erebus on Sunday 28th of February 2021 09:50:49 AM


The Head Of Gilmour's Mother of the Table

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"Remove your head."



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The Brothers Blackwater come tumbling into the room, traveling in true brothers Blackwater fashion, so naturally falling over themselves, sorta like you'd imagine the Stooges or the Marx. Eventually winding up in front of SHain. Naturally, this curious creature gathers all of their attention and the trio stop dead in their tracks, as Donovan tilts his head, Ezra and Raphael begin to circle the madman, showing zero sign of fear or intimidation. Finally, after several seconds of this dizzying behavior, all three brothers stand directly in front of Shain and Donovan smirks before stating in a very, matter of fact tone.

"Did you know there's a Shane in Gilmore Girls? The character is so unimportant, they didn't bother giving HER a last name. That's right, Shane is a woman in Gilmore Girls. Every time she's on the screen, she acts irate and annoyed or says something dumb. Like insisting 'Bloaty' is a word. She dates Jess. Not long enough to be given the right to knowing her last name though. Hides in a closet at one point. Yes, I watch Gilmore Girls. I am a full, grown adult male that watches Gilmore Girls, come at me, bitch."



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“The fact you know so much information about that show leads me to believe you might be more interested in the Gilmore Guys then any girl at all.”




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"Is that belief in your pocket, or are you simply pleased to see me, with a tiny dash of hope sprinkled with it too? Now, this is entertaining because as everyone knows, the devil is blatantly gay. And yet, you worship him, do you not? Get your power from him? Powered by Satan! Right? No wonder you assume everyone wants to get a cock in their ass. You've been rammed for years. You know what though, fuck it, think I enjoy the company of men, far more than women. Heck, tell my wife, in absolute sincerity. In the end, it's just a crack head screaming his thoughts on the corner and last I checked, those are not the source of information. You go on and believe whatever you wish though. See, just how much it breaks my heart. Why I swear I'll be a complete and total wreck by morn. And since I am a serious man, that obviously also confesses this sort of thing to emancipated looking, crack heads, you know I am speaking the truth."

-- Edited by The Brothers Blackwater on Saturday 6th of March 2021 12:16:01 AM



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“You want me to tell your wife that you’re a faggot?  My guess is she already knows if you’re watching The Batchelor with her or whatever!”



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"No. Nah. Not The Bachelor. I watch The Bachelorette... and I do that on my own time. More chances to see a dude's junk that way cause it's a bunch of guys, competing for one woman, rather than having a plethora of chicks fighting for the affection of one fella." 



"Plus, then I don't have to have the awkward conversation, regarding my instantaneous erection and quick, knee jerk urge to pull one off, which naturally the instinctive desire to masturbate would automatically take control. Almost like my hand had a mind of its own. And I would have to start jerking off, right then and there, like a crazed mad man. Just really violently and aggressive." 



"Honestly, I kinda scare myself when this occurs but what can ya do, right? When the need takes control you gotta answer the call of the wild. Oh and since I am a very sincere and serious man, that never cracks a joke or goes on talking nonsense for my own amusement cause while I am speaking to you with a straight face and somber tone of voice, internally I am just giggling away like a little school girl." 



"Which by the way... yes, I do dress up as one cause it makes me feel pretty and the easy access to my cock, pleases me." 



"Anyways, due to the fact that I am just so damn serious, all of the time. I have virtually never laughed or even smiled... once, in my whole damn life. It is twenty four, seven... brutal and painfully boring, honesty. All year round. People can't stand talking to me, let alone bear being near me for very long. I mean, they see me coming and straight up run in the other direction, as fast as they can." 



"Which obviously, results in instant and intense tears from me and then oddly enough, violent masturbation... right there on the fuckling street. Yeah, it's messed up man, really fucking messed up. I am insane. Plum out off my skull but hey, at least I know it and can accept it, opposed to living in denial." 



"That's something, correct?" 



"Anyhow, since I am so wholeheartedly earnest and stalwart, you know I am being extremely truthful and not fucking with you... at all. Not even in the slightest. I am laying it all out on the line here and totally opening up to a decrepit, feeble and frail looking crackhead, that's tottering in front of me so badly, I am actually astonished you haven't simply toppled over yet from the weight of your own sickly, malnourished, tiny Cambodian boy shaped body." 



"No joke. Cause remember, I don't do that."



"Although, I am curious if the people that watch you wrestle, those fifteen Unknown Soldier fans out there... I wonder, do they also go out of their way to send you 15 cents a day, so you can afford that bowl of rice and not... you know, die of starvation." 



"Hey, you know what... I'll do you a solid and give you a whole two dollars, that way you can go buy yourself a cheeseburger or something and skip the rice. That's gotta suck eating plain white rice everyday. Cause you know, while I am unwavering and intent, I am also generous, so I'll help you out buddy, no problem. You don't even need to do a jig or break out into song, I'll give you the two bucks, out of the kindness of my heart."



That's when Donovan, breaks and starts cracking up. Laughing his ass off as he slaps his leg and points at Soldier. Then swiftly composes himself; however, he also grins, widely at the thin fellow before him. Very obviously amused and pleased with himself.



"Oh man! Wow! you actually stood there that whole time and listened to me prattle on like that and didn't interrupt me. Once. Straight up, I would have walked away, ages ago if I were in your shoes, which incidentally would mean I wasn't wearing any shoes. A luxury, you clearly can't afford, otherwise I wouldn't be able to look down and see your dirty ass fucking feet, if you could buy yourself a pair." 



"Gah! Those things are unsightly, my man!"



"With all that dirt and grime, scabs and scars that's covering  them. Festering soars and boils. There are flies buzzing around them, dude! You're like the real life Pig Pen... if Pig Pen was an emaciated, sickly looking, crack fiend." 



"Haha! Oh holy shiza!" 



"I am going to enjoy working here! You are fantastic, sir! Utterly marvelous! Thanks for this moment, Unknown Soldier! Bless you, kind fellow. I needed that laugh!" 



"Working with you is going to be just a delight! A real trip! We should meet up in the squared circle!  Whaddya say?!?! Would you do the honor of being my first opponent?  Please say yes. I need to face you, so I can create promos dedicated to all that is Unknown Soldier. The world needs me to do it."



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"Oh cool... fascism is alive and well, I was worried the bigots were all gone, after carrying out a mass suicide pact together. Following Trump's loss. It's kinda strange that a guy that most likely spent a massive amount of time on his knees, servicing other men, in order to obtain his next fix is throwing around homophobic slander but I guess this shows the low self-esteem you have."


"It's like when Peter Gilmour uses those terms and then tells other men to suck his dick. Except he's saying it with hopeful expectation and you're performing fallatio for the purpose of gaining income, to support your love of smoking crack. Gotta make that green, so you can buy those rocks, right? Pick up some Chore Boy and a supply of those little roses in the glass tubes."


"Oh and you can accuse me of preferring the company of men, all you like cause I truthfully do favor men and I'm in a committed relationship with a guy. His name is Ivan... before you get any repulsive assumptions and decide to voice them aloud, cause you don't have any moral standards. Anyway, admittedly, I am openly interested in men, over women and even I think it would be strange to watch The Bachelor. That just wouldn't make sense. Then again, your brain has holes in it from all the crack, logic isn't your specialty."


"Otherwise you would have taken a look in the mirror or maybe a reflective pool of water, that formed next to you in the gutter you're sleeping in, from your own urine or the rain. Most likely both. and you would have seen that you're a disgusting, filth pile in the form of a disheveled, vile, abhorrent freakshow of a man and found an issue with it. I'm standing several feet from you and I can attest that you reek, severely. It's like I'm getting hit with a powerful stink ray. Hints of shit, piss, putrid rotting garbage on a hot mid-summer day, that includes but is not limited to moldy cheese and fish."


"You look like if someone touched you, you'd be a combination of wet, slimy and sticky, for some unknown reason. Just like all of the time. I have a regeneration factor and I am worried that I caught a terrible disease from you, by simply looking at you. You should really see a doctor cause you look like death. Not even close to kidding. Like I know there's a pandemic going on but you look like a totally brand new virus. Like a super, mutated plague. I am surprised folks haven't been coming down with Unknown Soldier and dropping like fruit flies."


"Come to think of it. What ever happened to that chick, Bonnie? Oh my gawd! You contaminated her, didn't you and now, she's dead. You fucking bastard, you killed Bonnie! You are going to reap the torment you sow, you evil freak of nature. Of this I promise you."



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“Pick one of your emo space queers to meet me in the ring next Frenzy.  I don’t have time to listen to you ramble on about how much you like to masturbate to the sound of each other’s voices!”



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"Wait. I'm confused. Are you talking to me or Donovan? Because neither of us has a harem of space queers. I have a boyfriend but he didn't emerge from space and isn't an alien, he's a frost deity. He was also born on Earth, as were me and my brothers. We're only part alien. Our mother was human. The only time we've been in space, was when we attended our father's wedding, when he married Rebel Star. So I am at a real loss here. Donovan tossed out a challenge and so did I... essentially, but there was zero mention of us sending in a person to fight for us. Like some sorta WWE style match, where two old men send in wrestlers to fight for them. So I am at a loss of what you could mean? I'm going to assume you don't know either. But that isn't surprising. You're working on like... zero cylinders, mentally. So how about this... Donovan is so excited to face you, I'll let him take the first crack at a fight with you but rest assured, I will be walking out to the ring with my brother. As will Raphael. In the fashion we always have done and shall continue to do. United and strong. We three, the Brothers Blackwater, are a force to be reckoned and fear not, a scrawny, sickly crackhead that worships the prince of lies. On this mortal plane, such an evil entity wields no power over us."



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"I don't need to make threats or boast and brag. Joke and get my amusement from the likes of you. My sights are on a bigger, far more impressive target that has some actual worth. Barely. John Madison. A scumbag piece of shit, through and through but a far more worthy adversary, in the long run. Nonetheless, Ezra is correct, The Brothers Blackwater will arrive together. As always. Try and pull something shady against my brother Donovan and you will be dealt with, of that there is no question. Pray to your dark lord, recite some spells, it won't matter. When a twig meets a solid steel, wrecking ball, it breaks regardless of its false, foolish perceptions. You are nothing more than a twig and if need be the case, I will snap you in two. Count on it."


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