By Peter Gilmour, as seen in the RP, "The OMEGA.. and the GOD"

"So to all of you great fans out there, please come see the show. Make this show the best show ever in the NEW XWF. We need your support. I need all my great fans support as well. All my Gilmourholics! I need to chant SUCK MY DICK as loud as you can. Show some love to Valerie Sky as well. Just don't touch her or I'll break your arms off. But come out to support the REAL XWF and show the fake ass XWF why the ain't got a chance in hell of beating us."

"Isabella.. Prodigy.. your sorry asses are going to be taken.. TO THE XTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME!"

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In Excelsis

In Excelsis


Footsteps echo through the vast expanse. Old wood and years of polish linger as ghostly scents on the air, mingling with the more recent aromas of frankincense and myrrh, still heavy and cloying. Flames flicker, a hundred pinpoints of light that cast dancing shadows on dark stone walls; guttering suddenly in response to some new presence, yet unseen. White-robed altar attendants pause in their task, glancing around for the source of the disturbance. A look of uncertainty passes between the adolescent boys, and in silent agreement, they snatch up the trappings of the altar with a redoubled pace and hurry to put them away.


No one observes the solitary form of Bonnie Blue as she enters the confessional booth; it isn’t long, however, before the panel screen slides open beside her.


“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned…”


A gentle voice encourages her from the other side.


“Go on, my child.”


“It’s been, well -- this is my first confession. And I’m not sure where to begin. Those big seven, I’ve done ‘em all. Pride? I mean, it’s kinda in the job description. I wrestle professionally, and if you ain’t prideful, you’re doin’ it wrong. Greed -- the way I’ve hoarded belts, as jealously as I guarded them, the lengths I went to… well that’s a whole other category of sin. Lust kinda goes hand-in-hand with that last one, and not just in the carnal sense, although… mmm, yeah there’s been a lot of that.”


Her tongue traces crimson lips as her thoughts take an erotic turn. The priest clears his throat to prompt her from her musings.


“Where was I? Oh yeah, Envy, that was a big one, too. Every time I chased a title, there was that element of Envy driving me that little bit harder. How can that be a bad thing? You call it a sin; I’d call it motivation. Gluttony. Not my favorite vice, but I’ve been known to indulge more’n I oughta. 


“Especially at first. The blood....”


She trails off, sea-blue eyes half closed in remembered ecstasy.


“Couldn’t get enough. Still can’t, but I’m gettin’ better at self-control. 


“Oh, an’ then there’s Wrath. That one, I saved it for a real special occasion. See, there was this man I used to love; but he betrayed me. Became someone -- something -- I didn’t recognize. And it was Wrath that carried me through. Wrath that won the day and slew the Leviathan. These things you revile as sin are nothing more than a natural extension of our own internal drive to succeed. Well, all except Sloth, which may be the only one I ain’t guilty of.”


“You mentioned other sins… the lengths you went to in order to secure a title?”


“It wasn’t just any ol’ title, Padre. It was the Title. The only one that mattered. At least, at the time. The WCF World Title. And now that company’s dust in the wind, the title doesn’t exist, but I remain, still what I had to become in order to reach that pinnacle. I traded away humanity for something fleeting.”


A pause follows. One heartbeat. Two. Flames cling to shortening wicks, carrying the prayers of the faithful heavenward on wisps of smoke.


“Perhaps I can help. Tell me more.”


“It’s a long story, Father. Y’see, once upon a time, Bonnie Blue signed a contract with a wrestlin’ company. Bright-eyed and full of naive wonder. Just a kid, with all the talent in the world, and not a damn bit of sense. I believed in somethin’ then. The inherent righteousness of honor, that there was a dividin’ line between good an’ bad; that I was one of the good guys. I wanted everythin’ clean and fair. 


“And I found out real quick, it wasn’t like that at all. But I still believed. Had faith. Not in some invisible sky-daddy, but in myself. In basic human decency. In my friends and allies -- who were, admittedly, in short supply. So I went an’ picked a fight with the biggest bullies on the roster: #beachkrew.”




“Yes. Exactly. Who, indeed? At the time, though, everyone had the hashtag at the tips of their fingers. And they ruled over WCF with an iron fist; their fratboy antics a drug-fueled diversion from a darker purpose. No one suspected the hand pulling the strings would be one of their own; the silent ally at their side, a Serpent in their Eden. When they ceased to serve his purpose, they simply vanished, never to be spoken of again.


“In those days, I found myself at odds with him. The Serpent. He even embraced the name I gave him, out of some twisted sense of respect. I was the only one who understood what he was -- even if I didn’t fully appreciate what that meant. We stood, in those days, at opposing ends of the same goal; and so we went to War.”

This is what happens when you piss off a thousand year old vampire:




He knows your life is fleeting, that Time will bury you and he will have forgotten whatever offense had vexed him in the first place.


Usually, anyway.


Bonnie wasn’t so lucky. The Serpent was known to be vindictive, always ready to seek retribution for any slight, however small; at least in a professional capacity.


Even that, she could have dealt with. She was a fighter, by trade. It was what they did. How they settled grievances. In the ring, or behind the scenes, it didn’t matter: a fight would put an end to any beef.


Unless your sworn enemy also happened to find himself irresistibly attracted to you -- and, if you were honest with yourself, you found you might reciprocate that fascination. Bonnie Blue wasn’t ready to admit it, not then. He was the villain in her story. Heroes didn’t fall in love with their antagonists.


Especially not when he had one hand clasped around her throat, grip as firm and cold as iron. He held her suspended over the ringside mats, letting her struggle in his grasp for a moment, before he opened his hand and let her drop to the outside, eliminating her from the WAR rumble. With a smirk on his lips, he blew her a mocking kiss as she picked herself up from the ground and trudged wearily back up the ramp.


It was nothing to be ashamed of, they told her. This had been her first big rumble, and she’d held her own for a considerable length of time; having entered at number five, outlasting most of the other competitors, and racking up a few eliminations of her own. The odds, her well-meaning friends pointed out, were against her. Her enemy had been fresher, with a greater wealth of experience, and the numbers had simply caught up with her. 


Bonnie knew better: he’d stalked her from the moment he stepped into the ring. He chose to engage only when the momentum of battle would carry him nearer to her. He watched her fend off attempt after attempt to put her over the ropes, had chosen his moment with the utmost care. And when the time was exactly right, the Serpent had struck. She rubbed at her neck, where she could still feel his grip, though the marks of his fingers had long since faded away.


WAR was over, but there would be others; and next time, Bonnie vowed, she would be prepared.

“So it went on like that between us, Padre. Almost never in direct conflict, we matched wit and will. I had a faction, and systematically, he took it apart. Tried to isolate me, make me vulnerable. But every time he tried, I came back better. Stronger. And then I did the one thing he never counted on: I left. Got a better offer from another promotion. That’s where success found me. I built another group and led them to prominence. We dominated the main event scene; between us, held every title that new company had to offer. I fought battles that made the conflict with the Serpent look like a schoolyard brawl. 


“Fast forward about a year. Like most wrestling promotions, UCI had an expiration date. But WCF was all too eager to hire me back. Now, here’s where things get complicated. Y’see, at the time, a man named Corey Black had assumed control of WCF; a longtime ring veteran with a history spanning twenty years, he seemed like the perfect fit followin’ the abrupt departure of the owner. The thing that lived inside Corey Black, however, had its own plans…”




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Posts: 6

In Excelsis, Part II

United Nations Intelligence Report 



Location: DETHFORT

*REDACTED*, Denmark

Date: ??th July 20XX


Subject location is desolate. Weather overcast. No sunlight penetrates cloud cover. Only source of light is from castle codenamed DETHFORT. Village of *REDACTED* evacuated. Survivors held in quarantine until determination of health status. Perimeter expanding daily. Creatures spotted in dense fog. Origin and species uncertain. Global coalition forces breached perimeter at 0400 hours Zulu. Identified covert unit personnel: *REDACTED*, Commander; Wade Moor; Crow McMorris; Kevin Bishop; Bonnie Blue.


Communication from inside perimeter indicates Creeping Death responsible. Whereabouts of host Corey Black unknown. Forces report engagement with undead. Fallen soldiers reanimate within moments, immediately attack own unit. 


Situation continues to escalate. Recommend media blackout. Cover story, environmental disaster. Covert unit to infiltrate castle, locate and destroy unknown power source. 


Allotment of 48 hours from transmission of this report. If mission incomplete, order air strike at following coordinates: *REDACTED*

It was odd to find herself in the middle of a warzone, under any circumstances. 


This, however, passed beyond the boundaries of odd into downright bizarre. She crouched beside the stone walls of an ancient Norse castle, a pack full of C4, wire, and detonators slung over one shoulder; while far below the rocky outcrop that served as the castle’s foundation, hordes of undead creatures marched right into a hail of withering gunfire. Flamethrowers and rocket-propelled grenades had better effect, but they kept coming nonetheless. Bonnie watched in a detached fascination, until a sharp jab in the ribs brought her attention back to the moment.


Crow McMorris, a fellow wrestler and now ally, gestured ahead. In a line, the two of them crept nearer the black belltower that had risen in the castle courtyard. Somewhere beyond, out in the Baltic Sea, Wade Moor directed a coordinated naval strike, while The Serpent had gone to confront Creeping Death itself. 


The only member of their team unaccounted for was Kevin Bishop; he had vanished shortly after discovering that his wife was somewhere within the castle, though whether as a hostage or an ally, no one was certain. Bonnie had her own suspicions, evidently shared by her comrades when the Commander had taken Crow’s suggestion that they consider Bishop compromised. He was to be apprehended if encountered, alive if possible -- although the Commander wasn’t going to be too picky about how they accomplished it.


Crow and Bonnie reached the belltower without incident; which either meant that the others were serving a significant distraction -- or that the two of them had just walked into a trap. Either way, their choices were limited. Bonnie placed the charges where Crow indicated, while he wired them up and set the detonators.


Above, the clash of steel rang out, and Crow and Bonnie cast their eyes up to the ramparts. Creeping Death -- a semi-ethereal, wraithlike form -- battled with The Serpent in an intense, back-and-forth duel of blades that would end only one way. The Commander seemed to have the upper hand, until the enemy sidestepped and nearly sent him plummeting over the cliff to the jagged rocks below. He was saved only by quick reflexes, fingers grasping the crumbling edge of the wall, though the sword tumbled out of reach. McMorris rushed to The Serpent’s aid, while Bonnie Blue charged right at the ghostly presence. Creeping Death hardly had time to react as she barreled into it, tackling the creature to the stone walkway.


The fight was brief. Bonnie’s lightning-fast agility gave her a temporary advantage; but Creeping Death had only to make itself as insubstantial as air, avoiding her attack. It snatched up a two-handed broadsword, etched through with runes, and raised it high to strike. She rolled out of the way, but misjudged her timing, and the blade bit into her flesh. Just as the creature poised to swing the killing blow -- The Serpent was there, his own blade raised to intercept. Sparks showered down as the swords met. Bonnie scrambled out of the way, and the epic duel resumed.


All at once, a series of explosions rocked the castle. Fired from ships anchored off the coast, missiles cascaded down onto the battlefield, obliterating hundreds of the undead monsters in a single instant. Closer, the charges surrounding the belltower went off in quick succession. The black iron bell tolled one final time, a distorted clanging as intense heat consumed the structure. Creeping Death seemed to flicker, just for a moment, as The Serpent’s blade struck home. A rift opened beneath the tower, pulling in everything with a powerful draw. With a defiant shriek, Creeping Death fled.


Gently, the Commander helped Bonnie to her feet. In the weeks that they had been in Denmark, he had revealed a different side of himself. She’d seen him walk among the wounded, tirelessly ministering to those he could save, comforting the ones he couldn’t. He had been a medic in the Great War, he explained to her, as well as a pilot, serving the Crown as he had done since the Crusades. Now, he applied his skill again as he tended her wounds, carefully suturing a wide gash that ran along her ribs. His tender touch softened her animosity, and she felt herself drawn to him -- a fleeting thing that passed abruptly when they were rejoined by the rest of the team; all but Kevin Bishop, who had escaped carrying a large, leatherbound book stolen from within the castle. A concern for another time, as they spent the night in revelry, and the world went back to a semblance of normal.

“Officially, none of that ever happened.”


“Officially, no. But don’t pretend you don’t know about it. The Vatican had an Opus Dei operative on the inside, feeding them the same intel he was giving to the United Nations. That’s all beside the point, Padre.”


“Which is…?”


“The reason I’m here. That’s only like half the story. But it’s gettin’ late, so I’ll skip ahead to the good part. After Denmark, I didn’t see much of my old enemy. He was off doin’ his own thing, an’ I was busy gettin’ myself into different kinds of trouble. In particular, the kinda trouble where I earned a shot at the WCF World Championship, but I was in way over my head. Champ at the time was a man by the name of Odin Balfore -- yes, that Odin. God of War. Lord of Valhalla. 


“WCF Champ. Our feud was legendary. Ten months, we battled, and he gloried in it. He didn’t want it to end. Truth be told, if it hadn’t been for that bit of shiny around his waist, I would have happily gone on fightin’. But eventually the time came. Our own personal Ragnarok loomed. And Odin Balfore had bested me at every turn. So I went to the only person I could think of who could help me beat the Allfather.”


“The Serpent...”


“Yep. I’d done him a pretty solid favor at one point, and he made it clear he didn’t want to be in my debt long. He agreed to train me, provided I do everything he said, exactly how he told me to. It wasn’t easy. He pushed me harder than I ever been pushed before. And somehow, somewhere along the way, all that tension that had built up between us over the years… it turned into something else.”



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Posts: 6

In Excelsis, Part III


The Serpent called an early end to their training that night.


“Why?” Bonnie had asked.


“You’re as ready as I can make you for this,” was his reply.


His voice was even, his expression neutral; but Bonnie could see the uncertainty behind his gaze.


“It’s not gonna be enough, is it?” she guessed.


Silent, he paced the confines of the training ring like a caged tiger, desperate to ignore the obvious tension that rose between them. He didn’t want to say it; didn’t want to put her on the spot. There was one solution he could think of, but he was loathe to suggest it. Still…


“How badly do you want to beat Odin Balfore?” he said at last.


“He’s spent the last six months humiliating me. This is my final chance to prove him -- and everybody else -- wrong. To show them all I have what it takes to be World Champion. Except… I reckon I don’t.”


“He has an advantage: he’s a god. But even a god can be brought low. And I can give you the power to do that,” The Serpent told her. “But it has to be your choice.”


“Are you offering me…?”


He nodded. “Eternity. Strength such as you’ve never known. Power you can only begin to imagine.”


With each statement, he took a step nearer to her. Bonnie stood her ground and held his gaze.


“What’s in it for you?”


His reply was an enigmatic smile.


“I’ll give you the day to think it over. If you choose to accept, my car will be waiting to pick you up at dusk.”




When she’d given fantasy free reign, Bonnie’s mind turned often to her rival. She’d pictured a dark carriage drawn by four black horses; a winding country road, the howls of distant wolves, a sound of greeting, and bats on the wing overhead. Wrought-iron gates that swung gracefully open as they proceeded up the drive to an elaborate manor house like something out of a Hammer film.


Reality was a sleek black town car that carried her swiftly through city streets; the winding path, a parking garage beneath a high-rise; and a private elevator that took her straight to a penthouse apartment that overlooked the city below in three-hundred sixty degrees. Dressed in a dinner jacket and a silk shirt buttoned to just below his neck, The Serpent greeted her with a single red rose and a glass of wine. Bonnie was clad in a simple gown of ivory, with a form-fitting bodice and loose-flowing skirt that fell to her ankle. Like a gentleman, he took her hand and brushed the back of it with his lips, before leading her inside.


With a playful giggle, Bonnie Blue found herself blushing; she took a sip from the proffered glass to cover her sudden shyness and followed him across the polished wood floor. Everything in the apartment was in shades of white: rugs, furniture, walls -- all serving to highlight the vibrant, ultramodern art pieces that decorated the open space. He led her to a sofa in front of the fireplace, where they sat for a time; drank wine and made small talk.


By the time she finished her second glass, the awkwardness had dissipated between them. The Serpent stood, drawing her up with him. The mirror above the fireplace reflected the pair, hand-in-hand, as they gazed into each other’s eyes with an intensity usually reserved for lovers.


“There’s no going back after this, Bonnie. I need to hear it from you: are you absolutely certain this is what you want?” 


His voice was low and urgent, full of a feeling Bonnie couldn’t readily identify. Without hesitation, she nodded and whispered to him in reply:



“He made me watch, Father. It’s a lie you can’t see vampires in mirrors, you know. He made sure I knew he was in absolute control the whole time… his touch light, but firm, as he slipped the dress down from my shoulders, so that I stood before him naked and entirely at his mercy.”


“You poor child…you must’ve been terrified.”


A soft, sardonic laugh.


“I’d never been more turned on in my life. He must’ve sensed it, but he took his time, drawing out the anticipation. 


“Hands, lingering on my body... 


“His breath, warm on my neck…


“The pain, when it finally came, was absolute ecstasy. I knew it was wrong, in some small, quiet part, buried deep. But I couldn’t stop him. I didn’t want to. I watched him drain my life away, almost to the end; I watched him open a vein for me, to give back what he had taken. The taste of his blood was a revelation. 


“I knew, then, that he’d been right. There would be no going back.”


“That’s monstrous!”


“Ain’t it? Now, I walk in darkness, forever condemned. I look at people and I don’t see friend or foe, but prey. I suppose, in the end, you could say he won…


“But I heard that you can fix all that. I heard you can give me back the sun. You can cure me. Is it true?”


The hesitation is palpable. There’s something the priest doesn’t want to tell her, but at last, he sighs, relenting.


“Yes. It’s true. But it won’t be easy. The process is quite --!”


His words are cut abruptly off as her fist smashes through the flimsy wood partition between them. Fingers clutching his throat, Bonnie yanks the priest to her side of the confessional, fangs bared in a predatory grin.


“I don’t care about all that. I just wanted to know if you could. Your mistake was in assuming I wanted to be cured. See, I like what I am now, Father.”


In vain, the priest struggles against her grasp, choking out a final plea.


“Please -- you don’t have to do this!”


“You’re right.”


She pulls him nearer, her lips brush his ear in a sensual gesture.


“But I want to.”




Guardian Angel Cathedral

Thirteen hours later…


Gloria DeSantos arrived that Christmas morning, as she did every morning, to make her confession and take Communion with her priest. Today, she carried a tin wrapped in a bright ribbon, full of traditional Mexican sweets that Father O’Reilly always loved. She took pride in her baking, another sin to add to the list of transgressions, but a minor one, all things considered.


She was so wrapped up in her holiday joy, that at first, she didn’t notice the unnatural silence that filled the cathedral nave. Her pace slowed. Something was off. The votives had gone out. Not burned down, but extinguished. No one was there to greet her at the doors. No other penitents knelt in church pews. No altar boys rushed, laughing, up the aisle before being sternly reminded of the solemnity of their position.


The toe of her shoe nudged something soft and yielding.


She looked down.


There lay Father O’Reilly, eyes wide with terror, his throat a jagged, bloodless gash.


Shock-numbed fingers released the tin and sent it clattering to the ground. Slowly, she knelt, feeling his wrist for a pulse -- but found none. Her eyes cast about the room for help. Sister Mary Constance lay sprawled nearby, habit shredded and bloodstained, a pair of puncture marks on her exposed neck. 


“Dios mio,” she murmured softly as she came to her feet, hands instinctively making the sign of the cross before she turned and fled.

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