By Peter Gilmour, as seen in the RP, "The OMEGA.. and the GOD"

"So to all of you great fans out there, please come see the show. Make this show the best show ever in the NEW XWF. We need your support. I need all my great fans support as well. All my Gilmourholics! I need to chant SUCK MY DICK as loud as you can. Show some love to Valerie Sky as well. Just don't touch her or I'll break your arms off. But come out to support the REAL XWF and show the fake ass XWF why the ain't got a chance in hell of beating us."

"Isabella.. Prodigy.. your sorry asses are going to be taken.. TO THE XTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME!"

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Post Info TOPIC: Upon the Grave of Guilt


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Upon the Grave of Guilt

What the fuck.

I mean, what the actual fuck!

How could things have gone so wrong after so many years?

Morbid Angel sits in his chair.

We know it’s his chair because of the cum stains all over the arms of it.

Must be the chair he mixes all his “God Shots” in.

Everyone should have a chair for that.

He sits there looking unamused, his muscles still bulging under his tight shirt. Who would have thought that someone the age of him could still be so fucking ripped?

No one!

Morbid Angel had just turned 56 and had the body of a Worlds strongest man participant.

Steroids are his friend as well as the heavy shit he keeps in his basement. Almost across from the coolers he keeps all the Covid 19 victims. That’s right, Morbid Angel is still that fucked up mortician that we all love to hate.

Having the biggest body cooler in Massachusetts makes him a popular person to visit for all morgues. He has the highest turnout of any funeral home in the state, given the circumstances. Now they have to cremate the corpses to save room in the cemeteries. The body count in America due to Covid 19 is reaching the numbers of American lives lost in World War two.


Death is his business and business is good!


It had been several years since Morbid Angel had a fight in any federation. He retired after he had that car accident that almost killed Steve Putnam the interviewer and a camera man.

Who knew that you couldn’t drive 100mph down the highway and to an interview at the same time, while injecting steroids into your cock? Who would have guessed that shit?


*The recovered tape from the wreck*


[The scene opens to Morbid Angel entering the interstate in his brand new 2016 Cadillac Escalade. He had just left the dealership after trading in his 2015 Escalade. Why would he make such a meaningless trade? Are the options going to be that different?


Fuck no! This is Morbid Angel were talking about here and he does whatever the fuck he wants!


The camera man pans around showing the cars outside and the beauty of the SUV inside. Fucking thing had goddamn TVs in the head rests and a 20’ smart TV in the ceiling between the sun and moon roof. Black leather seats and black trim wrap around the entire interior matching Morbid Angel’s jet-black hair…because he dyes that shit. What do you want from him, he’s 49 years old for fucks sake.

Steve Putnam sits in the passenger’s seat taking in all the opulence that is this $89,000 vehicle for no fucking reason whatsoever.

The Satanic death metal blasts over the system that came stock Bose for the Escalade.

Anyone that knows anything about sound systems know that Bose is the shit.


The car starts to accelerate quickly.



“Those whores here think I can be defeated? NOBODY can defeat me! I am undefeatable! Try me you fucking bitches. I will destroy every last motherfucking one of you!” He said as he pounded his steering wheel.



Morbid reaches into his pocket and pulls out a syringe filled with the muscle juice and puts it in the cup holder as he unbuttons his pants.

He presses down on the accelerator well exceeding the speed limit. Putnam puts his hand on the dashboard as Morbid weaves in and out of traffic passing all the cars obeying the traffic laws.


Morbid Angel looks down to flop out the beast for an injection.


The human penis most people believe is a muscle. Contrary to popular belief it is really like a sponge that fills with blood when it gets sexually excited. The injections make it’s way through the body faster and goes to the muscles quicker than an injection in the ass or thigh.

People like Morbid that depend on a little boost in order to keep their physical appearance looking good. 90% of wrestling talent depend on that help. Many will deny using steroids because they want the fans to believe it’s all natural and that they are an anomaly of the human race. That is nothing but lies spoken by homos.

Steroids is also an addiction. People get addicted to the feeling of the drug coursing through their veins, the boost of energy and the results at the gym. That’s why so many people get addicted and that’s also why It is dangerous. Abuse can cause a lot of different health problems not excluding death from that list.

The human heart is a muscle that reacts with the steroids. Steroids make the muscles bigger and harder…What do you think happens to the heart? That shit gets big and hard and eventually it gets dead.


As Morbid struggles to unleash the anaconda from it’s fabric confines, Putnam reaches over and grabs the needle from the cup holder and look at it more closely. Morbid reaches to snatch it back, taking his hand off the wheel momentarily causing the car to sway into another lane. He quickly regains control before it causes an accident.

He is rushing to get to the Dr Phil show where he is supposed to meet his biggest fan and talk them out of doing what it is he does. He agreed just to get on the air, but his intention was to condone everything then open hand slap Dr Phil in the mouth.


He grabs the syringe and bites the cap off while steering with his other hand then stabs his massive girth with the pointy end and allows it to flow into his body. After letting the needle sit there for a few seconds he pulls it out and tosses it out the window before putting his wang back where it belongs.


Suddenly, Morbid grabs his chest, his eyes roll back into his head and he slumps over the steering wheel Causing the car to jerk to the right slamming into another car which sent it to the other side of the interstate where it slammed into the concrete divider. Steve tried to grab the wheel, but it was too late as the truck began to roll. The camera drops and rolls with the car and you can briefly see where a body was ejected from the passenger’s side window…


The scene fades to black]



Morbid Angel slowly gets up from his chair and walks across the dark room.

Why is the room dark you may be thinking…. ambiance! That’s why!


Every dark entity in every federation have their dark and broody scenes in promos. Taking place in a cemetery or in an abandoned house.  I guess Morbid is original by being inside his own house. He has no idea why the camera crew showed up today. All he knows is he is supposed to answer the phone at 10AM.

It’s been years since a camera pointed at Morbid Angel other than to show the face of someone that could have killed two other individuals and that was from channel 5 news.

Morbid Angel spent a year in jail and was fired from his job in a neighboring federation. He pretty much fell off the earth and stuck with his funeral business and keeping that going and expanding.


Morbid looks at the clock.




They are fucking late! That is something he never had the patients for. Being Late. 


The look on his face shows him about to give up waiting and kicking out the entire crew. After all he has a cooler full of dead bodies downstairs that need attending to and this takes away from what he could be doing.


His cellphone starts to vibrate. He quickly looks down and snatches the phone.






The voice on the other side could only be heard as a muffled gruff voice but nothing that could be understood by the camera.



”Fuck you! How’s that sound? Fuck you directly in the fucking asshole!”



The voice got louder and Morbid’s face got angrier.



”Fuck me?! Fuck me?! No, Fuck you, motherfucker! I’ll fucking fuck the eyes out of your fucking head!”



A loud muffled yell could be heard back. Morbid Angel grabs his junk and shakes it.







A few seconds go by with Morbid not saying a word. He clenches his fist and starts to shake it like he was fixing to punch something.



“Fucking make me! You are not even a real boss! You are half a cunt boss!...Fire me?...but…that’s…….hey!...........bitch!.....I fucking said BITCH!....Fine!...Yes, Fine…I’ll be there.”



Morbid hangs up the phone and looks at the camera man.



“Next time fucking warn me!”




The scene fades to Black.



The scene opens to Morbid Angel again, his hair freshly dyed black. He was headed to the gym to get his pump on before the big returning match coming up. He was already in great shape for his age but what the fuck. What’s a few more hours at the gym going to hurt, right?

Morbid Angel doesn’t drive Cadillac Escalades anymore. He decided that they were to beneath him. That and after his episode in the other federation that cost him his job he became more frugal and purchased a Lincoln Navigator and has been driving it for a couple years. Who cares if it’s made by Ford. Shit is still nice.



“Maddy…Maddy, Maddy fo faddy, fee fi fo fladdy…Maddy. It had been a long time since I’ve fucking heard a thing from you. I am not sure if it’s because of all the incest porn you’ve been shooting in your basement. I could be wrong.

I don’t know for a fact if it was actually incest porn but goddamn, it sounds like something you’d do. But then again I can’t be sure.

Epitome of Evil You called me…I kinda like it. You are a nice man for thinking that way about me but I’m still not spreading my ass cheeks for you or Oliver Last…goddamn, you are right, that name is complete shit. If that’s his ring name then his real name must be something really gay. Who the fuck comes up with a name like that and says to themselves Hey, this is amazing. So much better than what my mother calls me.”





He pulls into the gym parking lot and the scene fades to a Blood Red.

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