By Peter Gilmour, as seen in the RP, "The OMEGA.. and the GOD"

"So to all of you great fans out there, please come see the show. Make this show the best show ever in the NEW XWF. We need your support. I need all my great fans support as well. All my Gilmourholics! I need to chant SUCK MY DICK as loud as you can. Show some love to Valerie Sky as well. Just don't touch her or I'll break your arms off. But come out to support the REAL XWF and show the fake ass XWF why the ain't got a chance in hell of beating us."

"Isabella.. Prodigy.. your sorry asses are going to be taken.. TO THE XTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME!"

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The Return of the GOD


It's been a LONG time since we last saw the GOD of professional wrestling and the KING of Xtreme Peter "Oh lord suck his mighty super dick" Gilmour. The last time we saw him he was in the ring for the OLD XWF run by Vinnie Lane and he lost his match. He was then unceremoniously fired on his damn birthday for reasons we still do not know. Peter was very pissed and vowed to get revenge on the XWF, Vinnie Lane, Fuzz, Centurion and any others who mocked him on his way out of the company. 

But he has now found a new home. He is now in the NEW version of the XWF run by his longtime friend Shane Carver. Shane has always liked Peter and Peter has gone on record and said without Shane, his career wouldn't have been what it is today. No titles, no Hall of Fame wishes, nothing. But Shane has brought him into his new fed to take down the evil Vinnie Lane and Theo Pryce and has vowed to make Peter a champion once again. Peter has gone on record stating that he will take the new XWF to new heights with his new group, THE PROPHECY which consists of himself, his demon warrior Valerie Sky, the Prophet and unknown warriors who will be revealed in due time. Peter has said the PROPHECY will take over the new XWF and will end anyone that gets in his way. 

Peter hasn't had a match in over a month but he is coming back to the ring on Friday Night FRENZY to take on an old foe. Peter will take on former XWF Universal Champion SCULLY one on one. Can Peter get back to his winning ways? Can the PROPHECY truly take over the XWF? Or will Scully give Peter another loss in his debut for the new XWF? We shall see once Friday Night Frenzy takes place. 

We now switch scenes to a shot of the lovely and very expensive mansion of Peter Gilmour in the hills of Los Angeles, California. It is a unusually cold day in the city, about 50 degrees with a cold wind blowing in. The sun shines high in the sky as the camera shows cars and buses roar down the highways and roads of the city at a moderate to fast pace while people of all ages and sizes do likewise going into stores and other establishments. 

We cut back to the mansion as the camera shows Peter's many expensive cars such as his red Mercedes Benz C class convertible and his black Mercedes Benz S class convertible. They are being waxed by his attendants who better not miss a spot or they will get fired on the spot. The camera then goes inside wear we hear a guitar being played somewhere in the house. We go further inside and see none other than the man himself, Peter Gilmour rocking out on his guitar. Peter has been playing guitar since he was 13 years old and was even in a band called "TERRA RISING" briefly in his high school days. Sadly they broke up but Peter kept playing until he left America to go to Japan and begin his career in wrestling being mentored by his friend Max Masterson. 

Peter is playing a riff from KISS, we think it's Parasite by the band but we're not sure. He stops the riff then begins to jam to "Daddy's Fallen Angel" by his favorite band and his former wife Maria Brink and IN THIS MOMENT. Peter and Maria split up a while back due to their busy schedules but they still talk. Peter headbangs to the track like he's on stage with his wife and the band then breaks into the solo. He continues to play random songs as we see his demon assassin Valerie Sky come in reading her book of spells. Peter is in a black IN THIS MOMENT shirt and pants as his long, brown hair flows down the sides of his face. His demon Valerie is wearing a goth like shirt and black leather pants. She has facepaint on the sides of her face and black hair. She is looking lovely isn't she?

Peter continues to play his guitar until he sees his demon come into the room. He puts the guitar down and shuts off the amp near him. He goes over to his sexy demon and they kiss passionately. Peter rubs his demon's sweet ass as she moans in ecstasy. Valerie then breaks the embrace and sits down on the couch. Peter follows and puts his hand around her. They then look at each other and smile wickedly. A few minutes pass and then Peter's phone begins to ring. The headbanging sounds of "WHORE" by IN THIS MOMENT is heard over the phone. Peter looks at the number with a strange face, but picks up anyways. 

Peter: Hello?

Voice on phone: Peter! It's your good buddy, your Frenzy GM John Tarff (Ooc: I didnt look up his name due to time constraints) How u doing buddy? Welcome back to the XWF.

Peter: Hello good sir. Good to be back but Shane Carver brought me back. What can I do for you?

Tarff: Well Peter now that you're back in the XWF, I wanted to welcome you in. I want to make sure you understand that I want Frenzy to be the A show of the XWF and I want you as the face. 

Peter: Heh, been there done that sir. I was the face of Warfare and got shit on by that drugged up hippy Vinnie Lane and his lover Theo Pryce. I don't need to be the face of the company. I already know I'm the biggest acquisition in the company. I'm just warning you that if you so much as screw me out of title opportunities with some shoddy referees, stupid lame interference or be put in stupid as fuck matches, I will kill you where you stand you hear me? 

Tarff: I assure you Peter I will do everything in my power to grant your wishes as per your contract. As such, I have booked you in your first match with an old friend of yours. I think you might remember him. SCULLY!

Peter laughs hysterically as he almost drops the phone on the floor. We see Valerie chuckle as well as she continues to read her book of spells. Peter gets his composure and then gets back on the phone. 

Peter: Ahh, the little cunt I beat for the Universal Title a few years ago. He's still alive?

Tarff: It appears so Peter. But I'm sure you won't let the fans down in your debut match.

Peter: Heh, I never have let my fans down in my career and I can assure you that I will beat Scully to a bloody pulp and show the fans and the world that I still got it. That the Xtreme Icon is still here and I will show everyone that doubts the PROPHECY, that they will repent for their sins and be dealt with accordingly. And I will show those idiots in that other fed why they will regret firing me over some stupid shit. I mean I was just voicing my opinion. I was dealing with some personal problems at home and I needed time off and wanted to come back at their next PPV. But no, they had assholes who I will not say their names *cough* FUZZ *cough* CENTY *cough*.. Excuse me sir. But I had some assholes talk shit about it and I lashed out on them and Vinnie being the baby that he is fired me without a warning when he should of scolded those two idiots. But I'll get my revenge on those cunts at a later time. Nobody fucks with the Xtreme Icon and gets away with it. NOBODY!

Now as far as Scully goes, me and him go way back. Like I said, I beat him for the Universal Title when he wouldn't even give me or anyone a shot. I had to literally force him to give me the shot, even though I took it from my good friend SOLDIER but that's in the past. I beat the shit out of him and won the title only to lose it weeks later. I was disgusted and I have vowed to win back that title but since I got fired I cannot do that. But since I'm in the NEW XWF, I vow to take Frenzy and Savage to new heights and make them the best shows ever and make the brand new XWF the best fed in the land. I will beat Scully just like I did before and start my road to getting some gold around my sexy waist. But like I said, the PROPHECY will be in tow and with me at ringside every time and will back me up. Nobody will stop us on our path to gold. We will have all the gold and take over the entire company so I strongly suggest you don't get in our way good sir. Or else. 

Tarff: I understand. I'll see you on Frenzy. Good luck Peter. 

Peter hangs up the phone and goes back over to his demon who puts down her book of spells and then begins to kiss Peter passionately. Peter once again rubs her sweet ass and picks up her leg and grinds onto her. Valerie moans in ecstasy. They break their embrace again as Peter looks into the camera. 

Peter: The KING is back! Scully, you are going to be taken.. TO THE XTREEEEEEEEEME! Ain't that right my demon?

Valerie smiles wickedly as she grabs Peter and they begin to kiss once more and then Valerie mounts Peter and begins to grind on his pants very roughly. Peter takes off Valeries shirt and then motions for the cameras to cut the feed. We then see the screen FADE TO BLACK!!! 




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