By Peter Gilmour, as seen in the RP, "The OMEGA.. and the GOD"

"So to all of you great fans out there, please come see the show. Make this show the best show ever in the NEW XWF. We need your support. I need all my great fans support as well. All my Gilmourholics! I need to chant SUCK MY DICK as loud as you can. Show some love to Valerie Sky as well. Just don't touch her or I'll break your arms off. But come out to support the REAL XWF and show the fake ass XWF why the ain't got a chance in hell of beating us."

"Isabella.. Prodigy.. your sorry asses are going to be taken.. TO THE XTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME!"

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Ihop and the Power it Holds

The scene opens to an Ihop just outside of Nashville.

What the fuck is a camera crew doing outside of Nashville Tennessee shooting a goddamned Morbid Angel promo?


Good question.


As the camera pans around the parking lot, it is Obvious that Morbid Angel is in fact here in the restaurant. We can tell by his big ass SUV parked outside with the license plate that reads ”GODSHOT”.


Only he would be so tacky as to have that posted on his car. Most people would hide that shit and do it in secret, so no one knows but no, not Morbid Angel. He announces that shit and even drinks them on live TV because why the fuck not.

Who are you to judge such a man?


Fuck you!


The camera enters the eating establishment to find the behemoth.

It was not hard to find him, he was sitting by the window eating his French toast and drinking a cocoa.




Because real men enjoy cocoa! Only faggots don’t enjoy that shit. That shit is great.


Anyway, Morbid Angel is eating his food and enjoying the view in this small town that is outside of Nashville.

Outside the window was nothing but old factories and a dive bar but still it looked interesting enough to look at. You know, creepy shit. Shit that you look at and be like “goddamn, I bet I could murder a few people in there and no one would find the bodies until they are bones” creepy shit.

Maybe that’s what Morbid Angel is thinking of while he looks at the factories. Perhaps the equipment that he could use to crush people like Oliver Last, Maddy…or even Duke for that matter.

Why would he have such hostility towards them at this point. He doesn’t even know Oliver Last.

Again, this is all speculative.

The camera gets closer as the fat waitress comes out asking him if he needs more cocoa.



“Yes, This shit is amazing!” He replied handing his cup over.


Why did he hand his cup over anyway? They would just bring him a new cup because that shit is unsanitary at this point. COVID 19!


It would be stupid to say he didn’t notice the camera crew when they walked in. it was 4 guys, one holding the camera and the other 3 holding boom mics, lights and one taking notes. How fucking dumb would it be if he didn’t notice that shit?


He wipes powdered sugar from his beard and waves them over.



“You made it! I thought you cunts would never get here.”



The camera man stands still because no one wants to see a shaky interview. That would be fucking annoying for all to watch.


The waitress returns, the camera zooms in on her greasy face and nasty hair. Making sure to give her ample airtime as she is now apart of this interview because of the cocoa.


She puts the cup down and Morbid looks at it.



“Where the fuck is the whipped cream? I specifically told you I like whipped cream when you took my order! What the fuck is this?”



“I…I forgot.” The waitress stammered



“Woman, you had one job and that was to bring me food and cocoa and you fucked up half of it. What if I fucked up and gave you half of what is owed?  Now, you take your fat, greasy ass back to the kitchen. Take this cocoa with you and get me one with some motherfucking whipped cream.”  He said as he pushed the cup at her spilling half of it on the table.



“What if I just put whipped cream on this one?” She said as she looked at the half full mug of deliciously chocolaty goodness.



“Bitch, did I studder? I fucking said new! This one is wrong and I want something right. WHIPPED CREAM!” He bellowed as he turned away from the waitress.



Why do people treat waitresses so poorly? Is it really their fault when something gets messed up?




It is definitely their fault! Don’t fuck with the food!



Morbid Angel waits for the waitress to leave before looking back at the camera.



“OK, Now you can record. I’m ready.” He said as he pushed his plate to the side.




“Holy shit, here we go again!


What’s the worst thing that could happen?

Could it be that Maddy actually has a pedophile on his payroll. To have a professional diddler as his manager?

How could this be? What the fuck could be wrong with this man that would make him believe that this was OK.

It’s not! How dare he soil the sanctity of this fucking place with the retched filth of Duke’s underage twink-love. I just don’t understand…………………...Unless, Maddy has a secret that he is trying to hide from us all. Perhaps he really gets into it and wants to join Duke in his illustrious activities with these young men. I bet it is only a matter of time before Maddy reaches out and touches one of those boys.

Pity, I thought he was a different kind of person but what else could it be? I am no phycologist, but it is pretty clear that he is into it to some level. Maybe he likes to watch or get the gruesome details of what ever it is that Duke does with prepubescent assholes.


Ok, I think I am getting a little over the top here. This is America. Land of the free, home of the brave. Were talking about two noble people that just want to keep their rights where they can diddle hardcore and not be arrested. That’s why they voted for Donald Trump. We all know he likes them young as hell and wanted to legalize underage marriage.

True fact, I saw it in a Facebook meme.




I got off topic a little. Allow me to proceed like I originally wanted.


Maddy, you hired that man to manage you and you have to face the fallout of whatever he does. It’s not my problem if he is the Jerry Sanduski of the YMCA…. Ironically YMCA stands for Young Men’s Christian Association and Duke loves that shit apparently. But enough about Madison and his management choices. He knows what he did and why he did it…can’t say it’s not entertaining.


The amazing Oliver Last or shall I say the unamazing vanishing salesman and I say that because you sold yourself to the XWF and have done nothing to even attempt to show yourself.


What the fuck is that shit?


This is your chance to fucking take on me! Morbid fucking Angel! The motherfucking icon! THE UNDEFEATED!


Fuck it! I AM GOD!


Where are you Oliver Last. I’d love to see your face at least once before the match. Can you make that happen for me? Just this once?


OK, I’ll be nice…..Please.


Pretty please with sugar on top.”



The cocoa returns to the table with whipped cream on top. Everyone knows that after making such a scene you never eat or drink anything that is brought to the table because it is most likely contaminated. In this case the whipped cream probably has pimple juice in it because fuck him! Fuck Morbid Angel and his assholery!

Would you fucking drink that shit? Hell no.

But this is Morbid Angel and he gives zero fucks about that shit.


He takes a big drink of the cocoa getting whipped cream in his mustache.

What a brave man. After all this is Ihop and they are not known for being the cleanest with the most hygienist workers when it comes to food. What else could you expect from some dumb cunt making $3 an hour?


He power chugs his drink and puts the cup back on the table and glances inside.

Fucking empty!

What, were you expecting something nasty?

Morbid gets the check and pays leaving a generous tip of $5 for her troubles and he was one hell of a trouble.

He gets up and leave the building. Morbid walks over to his truck and unlocks it.




“And another thing. Rumor has it that Oliver Last is Dukes cousin so go fucking figure. I can’t prove it but I am pretty sure it’s true and it’s something that can’t really be proven wrong. Maybe they are like those weird cousins that fuck around. You know, like hill people in backwoods Virginia. So, this is turning out to be one fucking hell of a show. We have Maddy and his manager who diddles and Oliver Last who is related to sir diddles.

I think Maddy and Oliver are in cahoots against me because they are fucking close! The proof is in the fucking pudding, bitch! And so far I have all the proof I need to show you all for what you are.

We know Duke would do anything for you Maddy. Why else would he have come to this federation if not for your cock?

This is going to be one big fagfest and I don’t want to be invited. So, you can take your little Glock, stick it in Dukes asshole and pull the trigger until the fucking bullets come out his fucking eyes for all I care.


OK, I’m done now. Now leave me the fuck alone! I have business to attend to.”




Morbid gets into his SUV and leaves with no real explanation as to why he was even near Nashville. Why was he even there? Why are there so many unanswered questions floating around?

And most importantly what the fuck!

It is apparent that he has an unhealthy obsession for Madison and his relationship with Duke. Going into great detail about a lot of how he feels and even adding Oliver Last into the mix with no hard evidence…OK, maybe he has some evidence but nothing that could be considered “rock hard”.


With so many unanswered questions the crew decided to follow him to his next destination to find out why shit got so weird.


As the crew packed up their equipment in a hurry they watched what direction Morbid was heading in. knowing that he is a speeder they had to be quick in order to catch him. After all they were in a fucking van.


The scene fades to Black.



I picks up again later that evening after hours of driving and trying not to be seen which would be hard for most people but Morbid Angel is always bound and determined to not pay attention while driving and this is no exception.


they are outside of a black building. Something that looks oddly like a church but full of decay. The windows are boarded up and the door appeared to be kicked in letting anyone who wonders by to come in and receive whatever blasphemy they deem fit.

Morbid Angel’s Lincoln Navigator is parked outside and he wasn’t in it. Knowing him he was already inside doing whatever it is that people do in old, abandoned places…


Fucking crack whores in their dirty asses.


The camera man slowly walks towards the building with his camera light on to show the way. They knew that something was afoot, but they had no idea what to really expect.


The smell of rotting wood and mildew was strong as they got closer, they could hear something moving around inside. Something more than one man. The cameraman walks up the stairs to the opened side door and steps inside gently so he is not heard. The floor lets out a little noise as he walks down the hall. He turns off his camera light and puts on the night vision so he won’t be seen as he walks around the building looking for who even fucking knows at this point.

Could be an orgy.

Could be nothing.

Could be everything.


The camera moves towards the worship room in the middle of the church. Being ever so quiet as he moves.

The sounds of men talking can be heard in the distance and one of those voices is distinctly Morbid Angel. The second voice is also familiar.

The camera slowly turns around the corner.


Holy fuck!



The scene fades to a Blood Red!

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