By Peter Gilmour, as seen in the RP, "The OMEGA.. and the GOD"

"So to all of you great fans out there, please come see the show. Make this show the best show ever in the NEW XWF. We need your support. I need all my great fans support as well. All my Gilmourholics! I need to chant SUCK MY DICK as loud as you can. Show some love to Valerie Sky as well. Just don't touch her or I'll break your arms off. But come out to support the REAL XWF and show the fake ass XWF why the ain't got a chance in hell of beating us."

"Isabella.. Prodigy.. your sorry asses are going to be taken.. TO THE XTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME!"

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Post Info TOPIC: Is the Insest thing fake? Rp2 VS Oliver Last

24/7 Frenzy Champion

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Posts: 6
Is the Insest thing fake? Rp2 VS Oliver Last



Friday 5th March

Miami, Florida

The FIRST XWF Pay-Per-View, Revelations is only two days away and Scully will be defending his XWF 24/7 Frenzy Championship for the first time. Before Skull defends his title against Oliver Last, he has an appointment with his therapist, Christopher Gentile. Chris had helped Scully dramatically in his bid to get his life back on track. Skull became alcohol dependent and pretty much found himself in hell. Scully and Christopher had actually built a friendship, it was something Chris didn't normally do with clients. They got on well, they had a laugh, the bromance actually made it easier for Scully to stay clean.


Skull stood outside on the pavement and looked up at the building, where Christopher Gentile ran his therapist sessions. Chris, owned the 5 bed house and converted it. Downstairs was 'Gentile Therapy', a company owned by himself. On the ground floor is where it all happened. He had two other therapists, whom he rented rooms too. Each one of them, including Chris, had their own office inside the rooms. Of course, Chris has the biggest office. Upstairs is where Chris lived. It was a large 2 bed apartment upstairs, it was just himself and his wife, Sara. They had no children. However, they did have a cat called Max.


Scully entered the large glass door and was greeted by sexy receptionist, Stacey, who was sitting at her desk.


"Hey Mr. Scully. How are you today handsome?"


Stacey smiled as Scully replied,

"Very well. Thank you. You'll have to let me buy you that drink sometime."


"Anytime. When I'm not working off course."


Before Scully could reply, Christopher Gentile walked over. He didn't mind Stacey being a little flirtatious with his friend, Scully. It may seem a little unprofessional to others but luckily no one was in the waiting room. Chris was a tall man, around 6ft 7 and had long grey hair, which he wore in a ponytail a lot.


Christopher smiles at Scully and says jokingly, "Flirting with my staff, Scully?"


Chris then looks at Stacey, "Flirting with my clients, Stacey?"


"Apologies, Mr. Gentile." Replied Stacey. Stacey quickly paid her attention back to her computer. 


Chris simply grinned and approached Scully. The two men shook each other's hands and Chris led the way to his office. Scully closed the door behind them and Chris parked his butt in his swivel chair at his desk. Skull sat opposite. Christopher's office was the ordinary office, you would imagine a therapist to have. Sure there were two chairs as mentioned, a desk, laptop, printer, the usual boring stuff. But the walls weren't full of paintings, they were decorated with photographs of Chris and the things he loved. Or the bands should I say. 


In one photo, Chris posed alongside Index finger up, middle fingers down, pinky up, thumb in: the standard rock 'n' roll salute with his late friend, Ronnie James Dio, vocalist of the band DIO. In another photo, Chris stood with his arm around Ozzy Osbourne. He also had a photo with the late, great Ian Fraser Kilmister aka Lemmy from Motorhead. Just behind his desk, hung a large picture with Iron Maiden, rocking those hand-horns again. Chris was a lot younger in the photos on his waist. Apart from one, which is more recent, maybe 3 years ago. He stood in the centre with all four current members of the band, Metallica. Chris is now 62 years old, he absolutely loved Thrash/Heavy Metal. 


On the desk itself sat a photo of Chris, Sara and their cat, Max. MEOW!


"It's so good to see you, Scully."


"It's only been a week!" Scully jokes. 


"True. Congratulations on winning the title. It was a great spectacle, me and Sara loved it,  especially Max. "


They both laugh out loud.


"Thanks man."


"It was a brilliant match. I knew you'd win. 


Other than taking over the XWF, How's everything?"


"Amazing! Well there is something…"


"Go on.."


"Well the next morning after my victory, I woke up in a five star hotel. Paid for by the company. Sure, beats sleeping in a bush like in that other shit hole.


I received a phone call from Natalie. She wants me back. Wants me to move back in."


"How do you feel about this, Scully?"


Skull takes a deep breath, "Well I thought about it and I told her… Hell No! I love her, of course I do. She's the mother of my son. Ya know?! But I'm not interested in that kind of relationship with her."


"Well… I understand that, son. Skull, remind me what happened with Marko Gringos… This never gets old."


"You mean when I caught him in bed with Natalie? When I found out she was cheating on me? I guess… I mean I'm over it. Like you said it is pretty hilarious. Well what I can remember..


I was drunk. Pissed up. I'd been on a bender for about 10 days. Went awol. So I can see why she would do it. I came home, grabbed a bottle of JD. Poured a glass and stumbled up the stairs. Opened the bedroom door and saw Natalie was asleep. But there was someone next to her."


"GO ON!"


"As I got closer to whomever it was, I tripped over his shoe and spilt the glass of whiskey all-over that Cunts head! He jumped up outta bed so did Natalie…"


"Hang on, I thought you caught them at it?"


"This is the PG version, ya pervert! Well actually they were at it like you said. They were asleep. I think. Ya know, I was bolloxed. They were both naked, in our bed anyways. I vaguely remember that. I also remember Marko punching me and as I fell back, he went to punch me again. I stuck my foot out, tripped him and boom. He rolled down the stairs. Think his maggot got carpet burn!"


Scully and Christopher laugh hysterically.


"Just great. Just great. Then what happened?"


"I threw my whiskey over Natalie's tits. What a waste?! That's what she said I did anyway. I was honestly bladdered. I got arrested though and slept like a baby in a cell."


"Bloody brilliant!"


Both men laugh some more. 


"Anyway, I think that's today's appointment over!"


"Robbery. That isn't my hour."


"Yeah but fuck it. Let's watch a film. Lock, Stock it is!"


Christopher turns on the large smart TV on the wall so he and Scully can watch 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.'




"It's me, your NEW and IMPROVED XWF 24/7 FRENZY CHAMPION! 




Oliver Last, my patience is wearing thin, I am getting quite fed up on waiting for your sorry ass to deliver something. Some kind of promo. Come on.. Step up..  This is your chance. Your opportunity. Are you scared? Scared you may say something you might regret? Scared that Scully will beat you up even worse, if you say something out of line? You staying quiet and hiding behind your 99 plus cousins/ sexual partners, well it only.. Well...


This only makes me want to inflict more punishment on you! 


I will absolutely destroy you and not only leave you in a pool of your own blood, but a puddle of your own piss!


And I quote… 


Waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought. Useless and disappointing…. 


Yep, that sums you up. I can not take full credit or any for that matter. That quote is waaaay better than anything that gimp, Peter Gilmour can come up with. That quote is one from Hilary Duff in Cinderella Story!"


Skull begins laughing for about thirty seconds. He stops, pauses and the smile is no more.


"YOU, Oliver, have a chance of becoming the XWF 24/7 FRENZY CHAMPION! A small chance but a chance nonetheless. You're disrespecting the championship by acting like an absolute chicken cunt! Most of all, Oliver, you are disrespecting me! You are disrespecting, Scully! And when you disrespect Scully, you pay!"


Scully gets a notification on his phone. He holds up his index finger, closing the rest of his fingers and thumb to signal 'one moment.' Skull plays on his phone and then begins to watch something, leaving the audience in anticipation. As he watches some sort of video, he mutters sarcastically, "Da Da Da Da. Blah de blah…."


Skull skips through some of the video until he hears his name mentioned. He watches and listens, still ignoring the fact he is live and not caring about the fans watching. The voice of Oliver Last can be heard in the background slightly.


"He's going to get tired and that will be his downfall. That is when I will strike and take him down. That's the plan anyway. I am a gambling man and I think, it's worth the wager. The stakes are worth it and wouldn't it be fucking fantastic, if I pull this off and become a champion. In this world of giants and behemoths, I win and claim the prize. I think so and that is what will push me to do precisely that. With zero hesitation."


Scully raises his eyebrows and suddenly bursts out laughing. He pauses the video and then tries to contain his laughter.


"Bitch please?! Are you serious? Or are you just a deluded fanny? Huh? The odds are NOT on your side. If someone bets on you, they're guaranteed to lose. However, if you were to steal the victory, whoever put their hard earned money on you to win, would become a millionaire. They are going to be very disappointed just like your dad and the rest of your rejected family when you lose. 


I'm going to get tired? Did you not watch the war I was in against The Muppet and his gang of peodo's? Obviously, you were too busy sucking your dad's dick!


But hey, at least you've showed up now!"


Scully watches the rest of the video, pretending to struggle to keep his eyes open and imitate falling asleep.


Also, I heard through the grapevine, Scully used to be retarded. Is that true, Scully? Cause I don't think that condition simply goes away or stops being a thing. Some 'Flowers for Algernon' shit. Dude... that was a work of fiction. A short story, written in 1958 and first published in the April 1959 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Charlie Gordon wasn't real. Were you faking it? Being mentally challenged, were you merely pretending because that's fucking messed up."






"Whatever. Till next time, Charlie... I mean, Scully."

Scully scratches his head and yawns.


"Wow… Wow… Not wow in a good way either. You've got the opportunity of a lifetime and this is the best you can come up with? Pathetic! Was I actually retarded? Was it all an act? Well I have some questions for you?


Is Az really your dad? Who is your mum? Was she also your dad's sister, your auntie Sal? What did they teach you growing up? Other than to suck off your brothers?!"


Skull imitates being sick before continuing.


"They talk about Duke and his pedophilia. But what about Oliver Last and his incestuous family? Surely, that's just as bad? Right?! Is that all an act? And you say Scully 'merely pretended' to be mentally challenged but you're 'merely pretending' to be part of The Deformed Mutants? Because like you said, that's fucking messed up!


Are you pulling a Charlie Gordon?"


Skull strokes his chin repeatedly…


"I will answer your question though. I'm not one to shy away from answering a question. So was I, Scully, pretending to be mentally challenged? Hmmmmmm… Hope this clears it up for you!


I ham goin' ta kik ya bat, an kip holed ov ma WFX 747 FWIENDZY CHAMPINSHIPP!"


Scully begins laughing sadistically, the laugh, the smile, suddenly turns into a frown. In a way, it reminds the viewers of the expressions Pennywise the Clown from IT would do.


"Of course it was fake, just like your mum's titties are fake. What titties?! Call me sick. Call me twisted. But I was forced to act in that manner. Sure it was entertaining, sure it was funny and sure I did well. Admittedly, I'm not going to lie, it brought me some success. But it also made me a bit of a laughing stock. The XWF99 management forced me to do it. They gave me that role. They wanted me to impersonate a vulnerable, retarded wrestler. A bit like Eugene they said. Each time, Theo would say, Scully you was brilliant as as retarded wrestler, you should do it again. So on and off, I did it and although it was fun for a while, it also made me want to punch them in the face. You see, my success was no more once I was ME! They didn't like me because they are envious of Skull. Jealous that they had to Rob me of my first Superstar of the Month. By giving it to a stable. A stable full of management clones. A bunch of guys known as the 'Shit-A-Brick-Squad' A bunch of guys hired by Theo and Vinnie. That's the truth. 


Whilst we're on that subject, they hated the fact that after years of stopping Little Willy Gilly being their champion, after numerous title shots, the so called 'Gilly Test.' I pretty much handed it to him on a silver platter. I took the title off Vinnie and then refused to defend it, purposely. Although I got 100% blame and 100% heat, they could've put me in a title match, couldn’t they? They didn't. I had a match against Barney, non-title, I beat him. Then I had to finally defend the title before the Pay-Per-View against Peter Gilmour. It was some six man title match at the PPV. I thought about it. Do I really want to defend my title inside some structure against five other men? Sure, I could. But what would piss them off more? Ruin the card and more than anything, let Gilly beat me! 


Guess what I did next? I beat Michael McBride for the Xtreme title at the same Pay-Per-View I was meant to defend the Universal Championship on. Then I let a returning Ghost Wank become the Xtreme Champion because I let him pin me! Two competitors on the roster, who they didn't want anywhere near those titles and I ruined it for them. I hurt their ego's. Funny how I never had a singles title since then! I probably could count the title opportunities I received on one hand. Unless I'm Oliver Last, five fingers and a thumb, is one too many.


Management hated me cuz I stuck my middle fingers up and said 'FUCK YOU!' I did little, BIG things to piss them off. 


I guess you can call this…



Well now I can be myself. Now I don't have to do anything, anyone asks me. I signed to this XWF with the shackles truly off!"


Skull smirks.


"I mean take for instance, Gilly. Look how I treated that Cunt! You saw me beat him on the FIRST ever Friday Night Frenzy. Then I beat his boyfriend and his little mates. Now I am the champ. Now I defend the title at the FIRST ever XWF Pay-Per-View.


Now answer me this, Oliver…. 


Is the Insest thing fake?


Oliver, you got buck teeth and it looks real funny,

You look like a human version of bugs bunny.

Ya dad is a crackhead, but who is ya mom?

I heard she's a tranny, that goes by the name, Tom?


Ya biting off more than you can chew,

I'm stepping all over you, like a shit under my shoe. 

I'm sure it'll be a blast, I'll try and make the punishment last, I'll try not to end it fast.

I analyze every second I exist, 

My words are like weapons but so is my Fist!


Oh and Super Scat, don't try and pull any shit cuz otherwise you will really impress Taffer and SHain, when I shove you head first up both their asses! In other words, cost me the title, it'll cost you, your LIFE!


Da End, Scully Has Spoken!"


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